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Facebook Platform Launches

2007년 5월 27일제작:Christopher Blizzard

The next evolution of Facebook Platform was unveiled this week at the Facebook f8 developer event at the San Francisco Design Center.

With this evolution of Facebook Platform you can now build the next generation of applications with deep integration into Facebook, mass distribution through the social graph, and a new business opportunity.

Deep Integration

You can now build applications that have the same access to integration into the social graph as Facebook applications, such as photos, notes, and events. Over ten integration points are now available, including:

Profile Box
Profile Action
News Feed
Left Navigation

You can access these integration points using the all-new Facebook Markup Language.

Mass Distribution

The power of mass distribution is now in your hands. You can gain distribution for your applications through the social graph like never before. Applications can be virally engineered to reach millions of Facebook users quickly and efficiently through the profile, news feed, and mini-feed.

New Opportunity

With access to deep integration into the site, and mass distribution through the social graph comes a new opportunity for you to build a business with your application. You are free to monetize your canvas pages through advertising or other transactions that you control. Profile boxes must remain free of advertising.

Learn more. Watch the Inside Platform Video.

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