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Postcards from August Developer Events

2 September 2009OlehJulia Lam

We are excited to have touched new regions this month with three Developer Garages in emerging markets worldwide.

In our first Developer Garage in South America, the Facebook team journeyed down to support the Developer Garage São Paulo. Mark Zuckerberg spoke at the event and shared the vision of Facebook and Facebook Platform with over 150 developers and press. Brazilian developers then helped educate each other on the benefits of Facebook Connect and Facebook Connect for iPhone.

Off to the east in Bangladesh, they hosted their first Developer Garage Dhaka. Over 400 developers gathered to learn more about Facebook Pages, the Open Stream API, and Facebook Connect for iPhone. With a deep love for their popular sports like cricket, they demonstrated the success of a number of sports applications on Facebook.

We closed the month with the Developer Garage Bangalore with over 125 technical developers gathering to share knowledge on how to build on Facebook with Facebook engineer, Vishu Gupta. They also focused on how to create social games and use social media marketing to publicize their applications and businesses.

If you'd like to host a Developer Garage in your region, please see our Developer Wiki to learn more about the program or check out the Platform Page to find more Garages near you. We look forward to seeing you at a Facebook event soon!

Special thanks to our hosts iEvento, Infrablue Technology Ltd., Chakpak Media & Accel Partners, and to our sponsor Intel.
