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The Publisher, a Great Way to Share

With the launch of the stream, we made some significant improvements to the Publisher to make it more prominent. The Publisher now appears on a user's home page so users can easily post content like photos and videos to their profile right from their home page. The Publisher still appears on user profiles. Through the Publisher, users can easily and directly post content to their profiles including text, photos, and content from any of the applications they use that integrate with the Publisher.

With the new home page, we reduced the width of the Publisher to fit on the home page. Because many application Publisher integrations were designed with fixed widths wider than the new design, we created a special pop-up mode for those publishers when a user selected one.

If you have a Publisher integration for your application, you can easily design your Publisher so that it appears inline as well. If your Publisher currently appears in the pop-up interface and you would like to switch to inline, build a fluid layout that can scale any width between 370px and 430px. Please use a fluid layout, because the Publisher lives on multiple pages at varying widths.

Once you have a fluid layout, go to your application settings and, on the “User Profiles” tab, set the radio button at the bottom of the page to "Inline".

If you still haven’t created a Publisher for your application or website, you haven’t tapped into one of the greatest ways to encourage users to share content with for your application. Check it out!
