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f8: A Chance for Everyone to Join

21 июля 2008 г.Автор:Caitlin O'Farrell Gallagher

We are thrilled with the positive response to f8 and wish all of you could attend. We know that with over 400,000 developers in 160+ countries, it’s impossible to bring everyone together for a single day in one place. To keep everyone connected, we have arranged to provide a live webcast of the main stage presentations from 1:30 – 3:00pm PST on Wednesday 7/23. You’ll be able to watch Mark and Ben in real time as they review developments over the last year and talk about the future of Facebook Platform. If you can’t tune in then, we’ll be uploading the video to developers.facebook.com soon afterwards.

We’ll send out the link Wednesday morning PST on the blog and at f8 '08. Stay tuned!
