Sharing Stories and Reels to Facebook and Instagram

People love sharing their creations with their friends and followers on Facebook and Instagram so scroll down to find out how you can help make this process as easy as possible for your users.

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Facebook Sharing to Reels

Reels are full screen short form videos and remain published (unless they are deleted). People can leave comments and tag friends which can increase the chances of a video being seen and reaching more people. Add a button to make it seamless for your users to share Reels to Facebook.

Best Practices and documentation

Facebook Reels API

An enterprise solution API that enables the sharing of Reels to publicly available Facebook Pages from a desktop or web based application.



Sharing to Stories

People love sharing their creations to Stories because they appear at the top of the feed, are full screen and disappear (unless saved) within 24 hours. Enable your users to Share to Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories directly from your app.

Stories best practices and Developer Documentation
An example of MuscleBooster Sharing to Stories on Facebook
Sharing to Reels on Instagram


Publish Reels to Instagram Business accounts

You can use the Instagram Graph API to publish reels to your Business account.

Content Publishing Documentation

Find out about Reels Performance

Get insights such as comments, likes and play count.

Insights API Documentation

Moderate comments on Instagram

Retrieve, reply to, delete, hide, unhide, disable or enable comments on Instagram.

API Documentation

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 Peloton Sharing to Stories

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