Messages that drive action

Growing Recurring Notification Opt-ins using Checkbox Plugin

The Checkbox Plugin allows businesses to display a checkbox on your website allowing users to opt-in to receive messages from the business on Messenger.

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Benefits of using Checkbox Plugin


People can easily opt-in to Recurring Notifications on a daily, weekly, or monthly cadence by checking the box on a website.


Enable people to hear from businesses on topics they choose on a channel they prefer.


Build and engage with your audience through high-quality communications that deepen relationships.

Where can you use Checkbox Plugin?

Website pop ups

Get personalized offers, product recommendations. Adding the checkbox plug-in just on the home page next to email capture is a great way to get people to opt-in to receiving offers towards a purchase.

website popups
Loyalty Membership account creation flow

Loyalty Membership account creation flow

Get personalized offers, New product drops notifications for early access. In the loyalty account sign up flow, people can opt-in for Recurring Notifications.

For example, a passenger can opt-in to weekly loyalty program newsletter that includes travel inspiration and exclusive offers for its loyalty program members.

Checkout flow

Business can add the Checkbox Plugin as part of the Checkout flow to allow people to opt into notifications related to event ticket sale reminders, upcoming shows of their favorite bands or daily updates on the event people have already signed up for.

Drive opt-ins from offline channels

Examples of re-engagement campaigns by vertical


Let your best customers know when a hot deal comes up so they can be the first to get away from it all.

  1. Loyalty reward alerts
  2. Weekly member newsletter
  3. Trip upgrade alerts
  4. Monthly flight deals
  5. Monthly partner offers


Keep fans up to date with pre-sale notifications, artist news and last-minute information about their favorite events.

  1. Daily event RSVP reminders
  2. Daily pre-event content
  3. Post-event content (surveys, photos, links to merchandise store)


Let your best customers know when a hot deal comes up so they can be the first to get away from it all.

  1. Daily deals
  2. Weekly product tips
  3. Weekly community newsletter
  4. Monthly product pre-sale alerts
  5. Monthly product recommendations based on past purchases
  6. Loyalty rewards updates


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