Survey API

Create, update and delete surveys on Workplace via Graph API, and receive participant answers via webhooks.

It is currently only possible to create surveys in draft mode via this API.

A Workplace admin with Manage Surveys permission is required to schedule them manually via the Surveys UI on Workplace.

Survey Creation

POST /community/surveys

Creates a new survey with the specified configuration.


Fields passed in the request body as an object:

Field NameDescriptionData Type


Required. Currently supports only one value: DRAFT



Required. Survey title.



Optional (default: false). Mark this survey as a test survey.



Optional (default: standard message). Invitation message



Required. Objects describing questions

Array of question objects (max 10). See below for question object format.


Required. Scheduling configuration

A scheduling_config object. See below for scheduling_config object format.

Endpoint Response


Example Request

POST /community/surveys?creation_mode=DRAFT
    "question_type": "FREE_TEXT"
    "text": "Q1",
    "question_type": "FREE_TEXT"
    "text": "Q2",    
    "start_timestamp": 1629222600,
    "end_timestamp": 1629223600,
    "frequency": "ONCE",
    "response_window_days": 7,

Question Object Format

The questions field on the survey creation endpoint takes an array of objects with the following fields:

Field NameDescriptionData Type


Required. Question text.



Optional. Whether the question is optional or not.



Required. Question type.

string enum



Required where question_type is SINGLE_CHOICE or MULTIPLE_CHOICE. Question answer options for single / multiple choice questions.

string array


Optional. Zero-based index of the question in this array this question depends on. Dependency question should precede this question in the questions array.

Free text questions can’t act as a dependency for the other questions.

int (min = 0; max = 3)


Required if dependency_question_index is set). Text of the option which has to be selected while replying to the dependency question for this question to be shown.


  • Should match one of the values from question_answer_options of the dependency question in case the dependency is single or multiple choice.

  • Should match one of strongly_agree, agree, neither_agree_nor_disagree, disagree, strongly_disagree if the dependency is of LIKERT_DISAGREE_TO_AGREE type.

  • Should match one of the not_at_all, slightly, somewhat, very, extremely if the dependency of the LIKERT_NOT_AT_ALL_TO_EXTREMELY type.

Scheduling Configuration Object

The scheduling_config field on the survey creation endpoint takes an object with the following fields:

Field NameDescriptionData Type


Required. Timestamp denoting when to start the survey.


Unix epoch: The number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970


Required. Timestamp denoting when the survey delivery should end.


Unix epoch: The number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970


Required. Values other than ONCE are used to schedule multi-run surveys which will use end_timestamp to calculate how many runs to create. Survey is sent to a subset of the audience in this case with the provided frequency, splitting the audience equally among the runs.

string enum

  • ONCE


Required. The number of days the audience of the survey will have to respond.

int (min 1; max 7)


Required. Identifier of the rule-based people set, members of which will be used as the survey audience.


Fetching Survey Configuration Information

Get Survey By ID

GET /{survey_id}

Retrieves the configuration of the survey by its id survey_id

Endpoint Response

An object containing the following fields (later referred to as Survey Object for brevity):

Field NameData TypeDescription



The ID of the survey



Survey title



Indicates whether this survey is a test survey.



The survey's invitation message


JSON map

A data field containing an array of question objects.


scheduling_config object

An object representing the schedule configuration

Sample Request

GET /{survey_id}?

Get Surveys by Title

GET /community/surveys?name={survey_title}

Retrieves the configuration of the survey by its title

Request Parameters

  • name: Title of a survey

Endpoint Response

In case there is a survey with exactly matching title, it returns an object with the following field:

  • data: an array containing a Survey Object (described above) with the matching title

Sample Request

GET /community/surveys?

Fetching All Existing Surveys

GET /community/surveys

Request Parameters

  • No parameters


Returns an array of objects:

  • data: An array containing Survey Objects as described above

Sample Request

GET /community/surveys?fields=title,questions.fields(text,is_optional)

Getting Participation Answers By Participation ID

GET /{participation_id}

Retrieves the answers by provided participation id, as obtained from the participation completion webhook described below.

Request Parameters

  • participation_id - path param - id of a participation

Endpoint Response

Returns an object with the following field:

  • data - an array containing objects with the following fields:
    • name - string - name of the column, similar to how this row would appear in the survey export results (could be one of the following: "question text"; “Run” - for multi run surveys).
    • value - string - value of the column (could be one of the following: answer to the question; int for “Run” column which means survey run number)

Sample Request

GET /{participation_id}?fields=data.fields(name)

Updating a Survey

POST /{survey_id}

Update a survey using the specified configuration.

It is currently only possible to update surveys whose creation_mode is set to DRAFT.

Request Parameters

  • survey_id - int - required - id of the survey to update

Fields passed in the request body as a JSON object are the same as during survey creation.

Endpoint Response

  • {"success":"true"}

Sample Request

POST /{survey_id}?creation_mode=DRAFT&title=TSurvey5&questions=[
    "text": "Q1",
    "question_type": "FREE_TEXT"
    "text": "Q2",
    "question_type": "FREE_TEXT"
  "start_timestamp": 1629222840,
  "end_timestamp": 1629223600,
  "frequency": "ONCE",
  "response_window_days": 7,

Deleting a Survey

DELETE /{survey_id}

Delete the survey with the specified id.

It is currently only possible to delete surveys whose creation_mode is set to DRAFT.

Request Parameters

  • survey_id - int - required - id of the survey to update

Endpoint Response

  • {"success":"true"}

Sample Request

DELETE /{survey_id}

Survey Webhooks

Survey API supports sending updates via the surveys webhook topic. See Webhooks for more information on subscribing to Workplace webhooks.

Webhook for Survey Changes

When a survey is created, updated or deleted, a webhook is sent containing an object with the following fields:

  • object string = “workplace_community”
  • entry - array of objects with the following fields:
    • changes - array of the objects with the following fields:
      • field - string = “surveys”
      • value - object with the following fields:
        • survey - Survey Object (described above) - if survey was deleted, it will only have “id” field.
        • verb - string (one of add, update, delete) - denotes the action that happened

Webhook for Survey Participation Completion

When a participant completes survey participation, it sends a request containing the object with the following fields:

  • object string = “workplace_community”
  • entry - array of objects with the following fields:
    • changes - array of the objects with the following fields:
      • field - string = “survey_participations”
      • value - object with the following fields:
        • survey_id - string - id of changed survey
        • participation_id - string - id of participation
        • participation - object that contains the following fields:
          • data - an array containing objects with the following fields:
            • name - string - name of the column, similar to how this row would appear in the survey export results (could be one of the following: question text;“Run” - for multi run surveys;)
            • value - string - value of the column (could be one of the following: answer to the question; int for “Run” column which means survey run number. Note: the value is subject to regular survey results privacy policy: the first three participations’ answers will be hidden and will be sent without this field.

Exporting Survey Data

Schedule a survey data export

POST /community/export_survey_data

Endpoint to schedule a job exporting surveys data to a CSV. Returns an ID that can be used to check the status and retrieve the results.

Request format

Fields passed in the request body as an object:

Field NameData TypeDescription



Required. The ID of the survey to export.

Request example

POST /community/export_survey_data

Response format

Field NameData TypeDescription



Required. ID of the export job, that can be used to retrieve the results.

Sample Request

POST /community/export_survey_data?survey_id=12345679944

Response example

{ "task_id": "790625491793069" }