Saat Anda menerima pesan masuk, notifikasi dikirimkan ke URL Webhook yang Anda atur di pengaturan aplikasi. Dokumen ini membahas pesan masuk yang dapat Anda terima dan menyediakan beberapa contoh.
Notifikasi pesan diterima dapat berisi objek berikut:
Saat Anda menerima pesan dengan media, klien API WhatsApp Business akan mengunduh media tersebut. Notifikasi dikirim ke Webhooks Anda begitu media diunduh. Notifikasi ini berisi informasi yang mengidentifikasi objek media dan memungkinkan Anda menemukan dan mengambil objek tersebut. Gunakan endpoint Media dengan id
media untuk mengambil media.
{ "contacts": [{ "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" }], "messages":[{ "from": "16315551234", "id": "ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "timestamp": "1518694235", "text": { "body": "Hello this is an answer" }, "type": "text" }] }
{ "contacts": [{ "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" }], "messages":[{ "from":"16315551234", "id":"ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "location":{ "address":"Main Street Beach, Santa Cruz, CA", "latitude":38.9806263495, "longitude":-131.9428612257, "name":"Main Street Beach", "url":""}, "timestamp":"1521497875", "type":"location" }] }
{ "contacts": [{ "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" }], "messages": [{ "contacts": [{ "addresses": [{ "city": "Menlo Park", "country": "United States", "country_code": "us", "state": "CA", "street": "1 Hacker Way", "type": "WORK", "zip": "94025" }], "birthday": "2012-08-18", "emails": [{ "email": "", "type": "WORK" }], "ims": [{ "service": "AIM", "user_id": "kfish" }], "name": { "first_name": "Kerry", "formatted_name": "Kerry Fisher", "last_name": "Fisher" }, "org": { "company": "Meta", "department": "WhatsApp" }, "phones": [{ "phone": "+1 (940) 555-1234", "type": "CELL" }, { "phone": "+1 (650) 555-1234", "type": "WORK", "wa_id": "16505551234" }], "urls": [{ "url": "", "type": "WORK" }] }], "from": "16505551234", "id": "ABGGFlA4dSRvAgo6C4Z53hMh1ugR", "timestamp": "1537248012", "type": "contacts" }] }
Pengaturan contact_image
akan kosong jika klien konsumen menggunakan iPhone.
Pesan berisi gambar:
{ "messages": [{ "from": "16315551234", "id": "ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "image": { "file": "/usr/local/wamedia/shared/b1cf38-8734-4ad3-b4a1-ef0c10d0d683", "id": "b1c68f38-8734-4ad3-b4a1-ef0c10d683", "mime_type": "image/jpeg", "sha256": "29ed500fa64eb55fc19dc4124acb300e5dcc54a0f822a301ae99944db", "caption": "Check out my new phone!", "status": "downloaded" }, "timestamp": "1521497954", "type": "image" }] }
Mulai versi 2.49.1
, Webhooks pesan media berisi status dan ID dari media yang diterima.
Status | Deskripsi |
| Media berhasil diunduh |
| Media belum diunduh, namun unduhan dapat dicoba lagi menggunakan endpoint coba lagi |
| Media mungkin belum diunduh |
Kolom caption
opsional untuk pesan media. Ini hanya disertakan jika pengguna telah mengatur keterangan.
Pesan berisi dokumen:
{ "messages": [{ "from": "16315551234", "id": "ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "timestamp": "1522189546", "type": "document", "document": { "caption": "80skaraokesonglistartist", "file": "/usr/local/wamedia/shared/fc233119-733f-49c-bcbd-b2f68f798e33", "id": "fc233119-733f-49c-bcbd-b2f68f798e33", "mime_type": "application/pdf", "sha256": "3b11fa6ef2bde1dd14726e09d3edaf782120919d06f6484f32d5d5caa4b8e", "status": "downloaded" } }] }
Pesan suara:
{ "messages":[{ "from": "16315551234", "id": "ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "timestamp": "1521827831", "type": "voice", "voice": { "file": "/usr/local/wamedia/shared/463e/b7ec/ff4e4d9bb1101879cbd411b2", "id": "463eb7ec-ff4e-4d9b-b110-1879cbd411b2", "mime_type": "audio/ogg; codecs=opus", "sha256": "fa9e1807d936b7cebe63654ea3a7912b1fa9479220258d823590521ef53b0710", "status": "downloaded" } }] }
Pesan berisi stiker:
{ "messages":[{ "from": "16315551234", "id": "ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "timestamp": "1521827831", "type": "sticker", "sticker": { "id": "b1c68f38-8734-4ad3-b4a1-ef0c10d683", "metadata": { "sticker-pack-id": "463eb7ec-ff4e-4d9b-b110-1879cbd411b2", "sticker-pack-name" : "Happy New Year", "sticker-pack-publisher" : "Kerry Fisher", "emojis": ["🐥", "😃"], "ios-app-store-link" : "", "android-app-store-link" : "", "is-first-party-sticker" : 0 | 1 # integer }, "mime_type": "image/webp", "sha256": "fa9e1807d936b7cebe63654ea3a7912b1fa9479220258d823590521ef53b0710" } }] }
{ "messages":[{ "from":"12345678", "id":"ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "image":{ "id":"b1c68f38-8734-4ad3-b4a1-ef0c10d683", "mime_type":"image/jpeg", "sha256":"29ed500fa64eb55fc19dc4124acb300e5dcca0f822a301ae99944db" "caption": "Check out my product!", }, "timestamp":"1521497954", "type":"image", "referral" : { "headline": "Our new product", "body" : "This is a great product", "source_type": "<SOURCE_TYPE>", "source_id": "<SOURCE_ID>", "source_url": "<SOURCE_URL>", //for the moment, this will always be a Facebook owned domain "video": { "id": "e144be57-12b1-4035-a520-703fcc87ef45", "ctwa_clid": "<CTWA_CLID>", } } }] }
Lihat informasi selengkapnya tentang properti referral
Adalah mungkin untuk menerima notifikasi panggilan balik unknown
. Berikut ini adalah contoh jenis pesan yang tidak didukung yang diterima dari pelanggan.
{ "contacts": [{ "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" }], "messages": [{ "errors": [{ "code": 501, "details": "Message type is not currently supported", "title": "Unknown message type" }], "from": "16315551234", "id": "ABGGFRBzFymPAgo6N9KKs7HsN6eB", "timestamp": "1531933468", "type": "unknown" }] }
Anda dapat melihat apakah pesan yang Anda terima telah diteruskan atau sering diteruskan. Ini adalah notifikasi untuk pesan yang diteruskan:
{ "contacts": [{ "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" }], "messages": [{ "context": { "forwarded": true }, "from": "16315558011", "id": "ABGGFmkiWVVPAgo-sOGh7pv13wVJ", "text": { "body": "Party at Dotty's tonight!" }, "timestamp": "1593068329", "type": "text" }] }
Ini adalah notifikasi untuk pesan yang sering diteruskan:
{ "contacts": [{ "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" }], "messages": [{ "context": { "frequently_forwarded": true }, "from": "16315558011", "id": "ABGGFmkiWVVPAgo-sBTHfS3swNIl", "timestamp": "1593068225", "type": "video", "video": { "id": "e144be57-12b1-4035-a520-703fcc87ef45", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "sha256": "02c4e68a4f0d6af5ec6ef02120e20d15f520a4dd473b535abec1aab175c4e8b9" } }] }
Jika parameter show_security_notifications
diatur ke true
di pengaturan aplikasi, semua notifikasi pesan masuk akan menyertakan informasi berikut tentang identitas pengguna yang terdapat di dalam objek identity
{ "contacts": [{ "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" }], "messages": [{ "from": "16315553601", "id": "ABGGFjFVU2AfAgo6V-Hc5eCgK5Gh", "identity": { "acknowledged": true, "created_timestamp": 1602532300000, "hash": "Sjvjlx8G6Z0=" }, "text": { "body": "Hi from new number 3601" }, "timestamp": "1602532300", "type": "text" }] }
{ "contacts": [ { "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16505551234" } ], "messages": [ { "button": { "payload": "No-Button-Payload", "text": "No" }, "context": { "from": "16315558007", "id": "gBGGFmkiWVVPAgkgQkwi7IORac0" }, "from": "16505551234", "id": "ABGGFmkiWVVPAgo-sKD87hgxPHdF", "timestamp": "1591210827", "type": "button" } ] # If there are any errors, an errors field (array) will be present "errors": [ { ... } ] }
Pengguna dapat menanggapi pesan tertentu di WhatsApp. Agar bisnis memahami konteks balasan pesan, kami menyertakan objek context
. Objek context
ini menyediakan id
dari pesan yang dibalas oleh pelanggan, ID WhatsApp pengirim pesan asli, dan ID untuk produk apa pun yang mungkin dirujuk oleh pelanggan.
Membalas Pesan berisi informasi selengkapnya.
Berikut ini adalah contoh pesan masuk yang merupakan balasan untuk pesan yang Anda kirim. Lihat bagian objek context
di bawah untuk informasi selengkapnya.
{ "contacts": [ { "profile": { "name": "Kerry Fisher" }, "wa_id": "16315551234" } ], "messages":[{ "context":{ "from":"16315558011", "id":"ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf" }, "from":"16315551234", "id":"gBGGFlA5FpafAgkOuJbRq54qwbM", "text":{"body":"Yes, count me in!"}, "timestamp":"1521499915", "type":"text" }] }
Kolom text
bersifat opsional untuk pesan media. Jika ada, nilai text
adalah keterangan media yang dikirim atau isi tanggapan, jika tanggapannya berupa pesan teks.
{ "messages": [ { "context": { "from": "sender_wa_id_of_context_message", "group_id": "group_id_of_context_message", "id": "message_id_of_context_message", "mentions": [ "wa_id1", "wa_id2" ] }, "from": "sender_wa_id", "group_id": "group_id", "id": "message_id", "timestamp": "message_timestamp", "type": "interactive", "interactive": { "type": "list_reply", "list_reply": { "title": "row-title-content-here", "id": "unique-row-identifier-here", "description": "row-description-content-here" } } }
{ "messages": [ { "context": { "from": "sender_wa_id_of_context_message", "group_id": "group_id_of_context_message", "id": "message_id_of_context_message", "mentions": [ "wa_id1", "wa_id2" ] }, "from": "sender_wa_id", "group_id": "group_id", "id": "message_id", "timestamp": "message_timestamp", "type": "interactive", "interactive": { "type": "button_reply", "button_reply": { "id": "unique-button-identifier", "title": "button-text" } } # end interactive node } # end message item ] # end messages array }
{ "contacts": [ { "profile": { "name": "customer-name" }, "wa_id": "customer-whatsapp-ID" } ], "messages": [ { "from": "customer-whatsapp-ID", "id": "message-ID", "text": { "body": "Can I get this in another color?" }, "context": { "referred_product": { "catalog_id": "catalog-ID", "product_retailer_id": "product-ID" } }, "timestamp": "message-received-timestamp", "type": "text" } ] }
{ "messages": [ { "from": "customer-whatsapp-id", "group_id": "group-id", "id": "message-ID", "timestamp": "message-timestamp", "type": "order" "order": { "catalog_id": "catalog_id", "product_items": [ { "product_retailer_id":"product-ID", "quantity":"number-of-items", "item_price":"unitary-price-of-item", "currency":"price-currency" }, ... ], "text":"text-message-sent-along-with-the-order" } } }
Pesan sistem dibuat oleh sistem ketika beberapa peristiwa terjadi.
Jika parameter notify_user_change_number
diatur ke true
di pengaturan aplikasi, Anda akan menerima pesan sistem masuk ketika pengguna mengubah nomor teleponnya.
{ "messages": [ { "from": "16315558889", "id": "ABGGFjFVWIifAzNzeXMtMTYzMTU1NTg4ODlAcy53aGF0c2FwcC5uZXQtMTU3NDA4MDEwMjIxMy1jaGFuZ2U", "system": { "body": "User A changed from +1 (631) 555-8889 to +1 (631) 555-8890", "new_wa_id": "16315558890", "type": "user_changed_number" }, "timestamp": "1574080102", "type": "system" } ] }
Jika parameter show_security_notifications
diatur ke true
di pengaturan aplikasi, Anda akan menerima pesan sistem masuk ketika pengguna (dalam percakapan dengan Anda) berpotensi berubah di WhatsApp.
Sampai notifikasi ini diakui menggunakan endpoint identity
, semua pesan keluar ke pengguna ini akan diblokir. Pesan masuk akan terus diterima seperti yang diharapkan.
{ "messages": [ { "from": "16315553601", "id": "ABGGFjFVU2AfAzVzeXMtMTYzMTU1NTM2MDFAcy53aGF0c2FwcC5uZXQtMTYwMjUzNTM1NjMzMi1pZGVudGl0eQ", "system": { "body": "Test security code change", "identity": "Rc/eg9Rl0JA=", "type": "user_identity_changed", "user": "16315553601" }, "timestamp": "1602535356", "type": "system" } ] }
Jenis Pesan Sistem | Deskripsi |
| Nomor telepon pengguna berubah |
| Pengguna mungkin sudah berganti di WhatsApp |
Saat Anda mengirim pesan yang menyebutkan ID WhatsApp tertentu secara langsung dan seseorang membalas pesan itu, Anda akan melihat ID yang disebutkan di objek context
dan di array mentions
. Karena lebih dari satu nomor telepon dapat disebutkan, kolom mentions
adalah array nomor telepon, meskipun hanya satu nomor telepon yang disebutkan.
Berikut ini adalah contoh pelanggan membalas pesan yang berisi penyebutan. Objek context
berisi angka yang disebutkan dalam pesan asli. Balasan di objek text
menyebutkan angka yang sama lagi.
{ "messages": [{ "context": { "from": "16315555544", "id": "gBGGFlA5FpafAgkOuJbRq54qwbM", "mentions": [ "16315551000", "16315551099" ] }, "from": "16315551234 ", "id": "ABGGFlA5FpafAgo6tHcNmNjXmuSf", "timestamp": "1504902988", "text": { "body": "@16315551000 and @16315551099 are mentioned" }, "type": "text" }] }