Name | Beschreibung |
FBSDKAccessToken | Represents an immutable access token for using Facebook services |
FBSDKAppEvents | Client-side event logging for specialized application analytics available through Facebook App Insights and for use with Facebook Ads conversion tracking and optimization |
FBSDKApplicationDelegate | The FBSDKApplicationDelegate is designed to post process the results from Facebook Login or Facebook Dialogs (or any action that requires switching over to the native Facebook app or Safari) |
FBSDKAppLinkResolver | Provides an implementation of the BFAppLinkResolving protocol that uses the Facebook App Link Index API to resolve App Links given a URL |
FBSDKAppLinkUtility | Class containing App Links related utility methods |
FBSDKButton | A base class for common SDK buttons |
FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor | Defines a type that can process Facebook NSErrors with best practices |
FBSDKGraphRequest | Represents a request to the Facebook Graph API |
FBSDKGraphRequestConnection | The FBSDKGraphRequestConnection represents a single connection to Facebook to service a request |
FBSDKGraphRequestDataAttachment | A container class for data attachments so that additional metadata can be provided about the attachment |
FBSDKProfile | Represents an immutable Facebook profile |
FBSDKProfilePictureView | A view to display a profile picture |
FBSDKTestUsersManager | Provides methods for managing test accounts for testing Facebook integration |
FBSDKUtility | Class to contain common utility methods |
Name | Beschreibung |
BFAppLinkResolving | |
FBSDKCopying | Extension protocol for NSCopying that adds the copy method, which is implemented on NSObject |
FBSDKErrorRecoveryAttempting | a formal protocol very similar to the informal protocol NSErrorRecoveryAttempting |
FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessorDelegate | Defines a delegate for FBSDKGraphErrorRecoveryProcessor |
FBSDKGraphRequestConnectionDelegate | The FBSDKGraphRequestConnectionDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive network activity progress information from a FBSDKGraphRequestConnection |
FBSDKMutableCopying | Extension protocol for NSMutableCopying that adds the mutableCopy method, which is implemented on NSObject |
Name | Beschreibung |
FBSDKSettings |
Name | Beschreibung |
FBSDKLoginButton | A button that initiates a log in or log out flow upon tapping |
FBSDKLoginManager | FBSDKLoginManager provides methods for logging the user in and out |
FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult | Describes the result of a login attempt |
FBSDKLoginTooltipView | Represents a tooltip to be displayed next to a Facebook login button to highlight features for new users |
FBSDKTooltipView | Tooltip bubble with text in it used to display tips for UI elements, with a pointed arrow (to refer to the UI element) |
Name | Beschreibung |
FBSDKLoginButtonDelegate | A delegate for FBSDKLoginButton |
FBSDKLoginTooltipViewDelegate | The FBSDKLoginTooltipViewDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications from FBSDKLoginTooltipView objects |
Name | Beschreibung |
FBSDKLoginConstants |
Name | Beschreibung |
FBAdChoicesView | FBAdChoicesView offers a simple way to display a sponsored or AdChoices icon |
FBAdImage | Represents an image creative |
FBAdSettings | AdSettings contains global settings for all ad controls |
FBAdStarRating | Represents the Facebook ad star rating, which contains the rating value and rating scale |
FBAdStarRatingView | Helper view that draws a star rating based off a native ad |
FBAdView | A customized UIView to represent a Facebook ad (a |
FBInterstitialAd | A modal view controller to represent a Facebook interstitial ad |
FBMediaView | The FBMediaView loads media content from a given FBNativeAd |
FBNativeAd | The FBNativeAd represents ad metadata to allow you to construct custom ad views |
FBNativeAdCollectionViewAdProvider | Additional functionality on top of FBNativeAdsManager to assist in using native ads within a UICollectionView |
FBNativeAdCollectionViewCellProvider | Class which assists in putting FBNativeAdViews into UICollectionViews |
FBNativeAdScrollView | Contains multiple ads in a scroll view |
FBNativeAdsManager | This class provides a mechanism to fetch a set of ads and then use them within your application |
FBNativeAdTableViewAdProvider | Additional functionality on top of FBNativeAdsManager to assist in using native ads within a UITableView |
FBNativeAdTableViewCellProvider | Class which assists in putting FBNativeAdViews into UITableViews |
FBNativeAdView | The FBNativeAdView creates prebuilt native ad template views and manages native ads |
FBNativeAdViewAttributes | Describes the look and feel of a native ad view |
Name | Beschreibung |
FBAdViewDelegate | The methods declared by the FBAdViewDelegate protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the FBAdView class and thus respond to operations such as whether the ad has been loaded, the person has clicked the ad |
FBInterstitialAdDelegate | The methods declared by the FBInterstitialAdDelegate protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the FBInterstitialAd class and thus respond to operations such as whether the interstitial ad has been loaded, user has clicked or closed the interstitial |
FBMediaViewDelegate | The methods declared by the FBMediaViewDelegate protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the FBMediaView class and thus respond to operations such as whether the media content has been loaded |
FBNativeAdDelegate | The methods declared by the FBNativeAdDelegate protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the FBNativeAd class and thus respond to operations such as whether the native ad has been loaded |
FBNativeAdsManagerDelegate | Messages from FBNativeAdsManager indicating success or failure loading ads |
Name | Beschreibung |
FBAdSize |
Name | Beschreibung |
AKFAccountKit | Primary interface for authenticating AccountKit accounts |
AKFAccountPreferences | Accesses Account preferences that are stored on the Account Kit servers for the associated app and account |
AKFPhoneNumber | This class represents a phone number |
AKFSettings | AccountKit application settings |
AKFTheme | A theme for the Account Kit UI |
Name | Beschreibung |
AKFAccessToken | The protocol that represents an Access Token |
AKFAccount | The protocol that represents an Account |
AKFAccountPreferencesDelegate | The delegate the receives messages from AKFAccountPreferences |
AKFAdvancedUIActionController | A controller that exposes actions to the AKFAdvancedUIManager |
AKFAdvancedUIManager | Manager for advanced UI configuration |
AKFAdvancedUIManaging | Protocol for classes that manage Advanced UI |
AKFConfiguring | Defines the properties that can be configured for the Account Kit UI |
AKFTheming | The receiver can be themed |
AKFViewController | A view controller for Account Kit that reports the status of the login through the delegate |
AKFViewControllerDelegate | Receives callbacks from the View Controller when the login flow completes |