Facebook SDK for iOS Reference  (v3.21)
This is an old version of the SDK. Check out the latest version.
Newer Versions4.
Previous Versions3.
FBAccessTokenDataRepresents an access token used for the Facebook login flow and includes associated metadata such as expiration date and permissions
FBAppCallThe FBAppCall object is used to encapsulate state when the app performs an action that requires switching over to the native Facebook app, or when the app receives an App Link
FBAppEventsClient-side event logging for specialized application analytics available through Facebook App Insights and for use with Facebook Ads conversion tracking and optimization
FBAppLinkDataThis class contains information that represents an App Link from Facebook
FBAppLinkResolverProvides an implementation of the BFAppLinkResolving protocol that uses the Facebook app link index to resolve App Links given a URL
FBCacheDescriptorBase class from which CacheDescriptors derive, provides a method to fetch data for later use
FBDialogsProvides methods to display native (i
FBDialogsDataThis class encapsulates state and data related to the presentation and completion of a dialog
FBDialogsParamsThis object is used as a base class for parameters passed to native dialogs that open in the Facebook app
FBErrorUtilityA utility class with methods to provide more information for Facebook related errors if you do not want to use the NSError(FBError) category
FBFrictionlessRecipientCacheMaintains a cache of friends that can recieve application requests from the user in using the frictionless feature of the requests web dialog
FBFriendPickerViewControllerThe FBFriendPickerViewController class creates a controller object that manages the user interface for displaying and selecting Facebook friends
FBGraphObjectStatic class with helpers for use with graph objects
FBGraphObjectPickerViewControllerThe FBGraphObjectPickerViewController class is an abstract controller object that manages the user interface for displaying and selecting a collection of graph objects
FBInsightsThis class has been deprecated in favor of FBAppEvents
FBLikeControlUI control to like an object in the Facebook graph
FBLinkShareParamsThis object is used to encapsulate state for parameters to a share a link, typically with the Facebook Native Share Dialog or the Message Dialog
FBLoginTooltipViewRepresents a tooltip to be displayed next to a Facebook login button to highlight features for new users
FBLoginViewFBLoginView is a custom UIView that renders a button to login or logout based on the state of FBSession
FBNativeDialogsPlease note that FBNativeDialogs has been deprecated, please migrate your code to use FBDialogs
FBOpenGraphActionParamsThis object is used to encapsulate state for parameters to an Open Graph share, typically used with the Native Share Dialog or Message Dialog
FBPeoplePickerViewControllerThe FBPeoplePickerViewController class is an abstract controller object that manages the user interface for displaying and selecting people
FBPhotoParamsThis object is used to encapsulate state for parameters to share photos, typically with the Facebook Native Share Dialog or Message Dialog
FBPlacePickerViewControllerThe FBPlacePickerViewController class creates a controller object that manages the user interface for displaying and selecting nearby places
FBProfilePictureViewAn instance of FBProfilePictureView is used to display a profile picture
FBRequestThe FBRequest object is used to setup and manage requests to the Facebook Graph API
FBRequestConnectionThe FBRequestConnection represents a single connection to Facebook to service a request
FBSessionThe FBSession object is used to authenticate a user and manage the user's session
FBSessionTokenCachingStrategyThe FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy class is responsible for persisting and retrieving cached data related to an FBSession object, including the user's Facebook access token
FBSettingsAllows configuration of SDK behavior
FBTaggableFriendPickerViewControllerThe FBTaggableFriendPickerViewController class creates a controller object that manages the user interface for displaying and selecting taggable Facebook friends
FBTestSessionImplements an FBSession subclass that knows about test users for a particular application
FBTooltipViewTooltip bubble with text in it used to display tips for UI elements, with a pointed arrow (to refer to the UI element)
FBUserSettingsViewControllerThe FBUserSettingsViewController class provides a user interface exposing a user's Facebook-related settings
FBViewControllerThe FBViewController class is a base class encapsulating functionality common to several other view controller classes
FBWebDialogsProvides methods to display web based dialogs to the user
FBFriendPickerDelegateThe FBFriendPickerDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications and allow for deeper control of the FBFriendPickerViewController view
FBGraphLocationThe FBGraphLocation protocol enables typed access to the location property of a Facebook place object
FBGraphObjectThe FBGraphObject protocol is the base protocol which enables typed access to graph objects and open graph objects
FBGraphObjectPickerDelegateThe FBGraphObjectPickerDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications and allow for deeper control of the FBGraphObjectPickerViewController view
FBGraphPersonThe FBGraphPerson protocol enables typed access to a person's name, photo and context-specific identifier as represented in the Graph API
FBGraphPlaceThe FBGraphPlace protocol enables typed access to a place object as represented in the Graph API
FBGraphUserThe FBGraphUser protocol enables typed access to a user object as represented in the Graph API
FBLoginTooltipViewDelegateThe FBLoginTooltipViewDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications from FBLoginTooltipView objects
FBLoginViewDelegateThe FBLoginViewDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications from FBLoginView objects
FBOpenGraphActionThe FBOpenGraphAction protocol is the base protocol for use in posting and retrieving Open Graph actions
FBOpenGraphObjectThe FBOpenGraphObject protocol is the base protocol for use in posting and retrieving Open Graph objects
FBPlacePickerDelegateThe FBPlacePickerDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications and allow for deeper control of the FBPlacePickerViewController view
FBRequestConnectionDelegateThe FBRequestConnectionDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive network activity progress information from a FBRequestConnection
FBUserSettingsDelegateThe FBUserSettingsDelegate protocol defines the methods called by a FBUserSettingsViewController
FBViewControllerDelegateThe FBViewControllerDelegate protocol defines the methods called when the Cancel or Done buttons are pressed in a FBViewController
FBWebDialogsDelegateThe FBWebDialogsDelegate protocol enables the plugging of advanced behaviors into the presentation flow of a Facebook web dialog
NSError(FBError)Adds additional properties to NSError to provide more information for Facebook related errors
Audience Network Classes
FBAdImageRepresents an image creative
FBAdSettingsAdSettings contains global settings for all ad controls
FBAdViewA customized UIView to represent a Facebook ad (a
FBInterstitialAdA modal view controller to represent a Facebook interstitial ad
FBNativeAdThe FBNativeAd represents ad metadata to allow you to construct custom ad views
Audience Network Protocols
FBAdViewDelegateThe methods declared by the FBAdViewDelegate protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the FBAdView class and thus respond to operations such as whether the ad has been loaded, the person has clicked the ad
FBInterstitialAdDelegateThe methods declared by the FBInterstitialAdDelegate protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the FBInterstitialAd class and thus respond to operations such as whether the interstitial ad has been loaded, user has clicked or closed the interstitial
FBNativeAdDelegateThe methods declared by the FBNativeAdDelegate protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the FBNativeAd class and thus respond to operations such as whether the native ad has been loaded