SDK de Facebook para referencia de iOS  (v3.0)
Es una versión antigua del SDK. Consulta la última versión.
Nuevas versiones4.
FBCacheDescriptorBase class from which CacheDescriptors derive, provides a method to fetch data for later use
FBFriendPickerViewControllerThe FBFriendPickerViewController class creates a controller object that manages the user interface for displaying and selecting Facebook friends
FBGraphObjectStatic class with helpers for use with graph objects
FBPlacePickerViewControllerThe FBPlacePickerViewController class creates a controller object that manages the user interface for displaying and selecting nearby places
FBProfilePictureViewAn instance of FBProfilePictureView is used to display a profile picture
FBRequestThe FBRequest object is used to setup and manage requests to Facebook Graph and REST APIs
FBRequestConnectionThe FBRequestConnection represents a single connection to Facebook to service a request
FBSessionThe FBSession object is used to authenticate a user and manage the user's session
FBSessionTokenCachingStrategyThe FBSessionTokenCachingStrategy class is responsible for persisting and retrieving cached data related to an FBSession object, including the user's Facebook access token
FBTestSessionImplements an FBSession subclass that knows about test users for a particular application
FBUserSettingsViewControllerThe FBUserSettingsViewController class provides a user interface exposing a user's Facebook-related settings
FBViewControllerThe FBViewController class is a base class encapsulating functionality common to several other view controller classes
FBFriendPickerDelegateThe FBFriendPickerDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications and allow for deeper control of the FBFriendPickerViewController view
FBGraphLocationThe FBGraphLocation protocol enables typed access to the location property of a Facebook place object
FBGraphObjectThe FBGraphObject protocol is the base protocol which enables typed access to graph objects and open graph objects
FBGraphPlaceThe FBGraphPlace protocol enables typed access to a place object as represented in the Graph API
FBGraphUserThe FBGraphUser protocol enables typed access to a user object as represented in the Graph API
FBLoginViewDelegateThe FBLoginViewDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications from FBLoginView objects
FBOpenGraphActionThe FBOpenGraphAction protocol is the base protocol for use in posting and retrieving Open Graph actions
FBPlacePickerDelegateThe FBPlacePickerDelegate protocol defines the methods used to receive event notifications and allow for deeper control of the FBPlacePickerViewController view
FBUserSettingsDelegateThe FBUserSettingsDelegate protocol defines the methods called by a FBUserSettingsViewController
FBViewControllerDelegateThe FBViewControllerDelegate protocol defines the methods called when the Cancel or Done buttons are pressed in a FBViewController