Private Computation: Setup Guide

Step 1: Private Computation Infrastructure Setup (1 Hour)

Configure AWS and Install Private Computation Infrastructure

  1. Log in to AWS console.
  2. Click here to go to the Cloudformation stack creation page.
  3. Select the AWS region where you want to install Private Computation Infrastructure.
  4. Fill the subdomain (example:, admin email, password and proceed with stack creation.
  5. Select at least t2.xlarge instance type.
  6. The creation process takes approximately 5 minutes, after which two outputs will be written to the "Outputs" tab for the new AWS instance. You will know it is done when the Status says: CREATE_COMPLETE in the Stack info Tab.
  7. Once complete, go to the Outputs tab.
  8. Take note of the IP under CallToAction, as you’ll need to add this as an A and AAAA name record for the subdomain you specified in step 4.
  9. Take note of the ConversionsApiGatewayInstanceURL, which you’ll need to provision the Private Computation Infrastructure UI.

Configure Your DNS

Set up your DNS by accessing your DNS provider.

  1. Add the IP address generated under CallToAction in the previous step as an A name record for the subdomain you’re using.
  2. Add the subdomain you’ve defined in your Cloudformation step during the “Configure AWS and Install” process above.
  3. Steps for this will vary depending on your partner, so please refer to their documentation if you have any problems completing this step.
  4. Save your configuration.


Next, refer to the ConversionsApiGatewayInstanceURL, and click on the URL.

  1. A new webpage appears titled Conversions API Gateway is provisioning. This URL indicates that Private Computation Infrastructure is being installed.
  2. Setup takes approximately 30 minutes, and then the Private Computation Infrastructure UI will be accessible.
  3. You will get the message “provisioning finished” once setup is done.