Private Computation: Setup Guide
Step 1: Private Computation Infrastructure Setup (1 Hour)
Configure AWS and Install Private Computation Infrastructure
- Log in to AWS console.
- Click here to go to the Cloudformation stack creation page.
- Select the AWS region where you want to install Private Computation Infrastructure.
- Fill the subdomain (example:, admin email, password and proceed with stack creation.
- Select at least t2.xlarge instance type.
- The creation process takes approximately 5 minutes, after which two outputs will be written to the "Outputs" tab for the new AWS instance. You will know it is done when the Status says: CREATE_COMPLETE in the Stack info Tab.
- Once complete, go to the Outputs tab.
- Take note of the IP under CallToAction, as you’ll need to add this as an A and AAAA name record for the subdomain you specified in step 4.
- Take note of the
, which you’ll need to provision the Private Computation Infrastructure UI.
Configure Your DNS
Set up your DNS by accessing your DNS provider.
- Add the IP address generated under CallToAction in the previous step as an A name record for the subdomain you’re using.
- Add the subdomain you’ve defined in your Cloudformation step during the “Configure AWS and Install” process above.
- Steps for this will vary depending on your partner, so please refer to their documentation if you have any problems completing this step.
- Save your configuration.
Next, refer to the ConversionsApiGatewayInstanceURL
, and click on the URL.
- A new webpage appears titled Conversions API Gateway is provisioning. This URL indicates that Private Computation Infrastructure is being installed.
- Setup takes approximately 30 minutes, and then the Private Computation Infrastructure UI will be accessible.
- You will get the message “provisioning finished” once setup is done.