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Français (France) mis à jour : 3 avr. 2020



GET EndpointDescription

Returns the status for an article URL. The value can be one of the following:

  • DENYLISTED – The URL is hidden so it is not available on the Facebook News Tab
  • INDEXED – The URL is indexed and is available on the Facebook News Tab
  • UNINDEXED – The URL is not indexed or has been removed from the index

If no scope value is returned, the article has not been indexed and can be considered UNINDEXED.

POST EndpointDescription
string, enum

Adds an article to the index or updates the scope for an indexed article. where SCOPE can be one of the following:

  • news_tab – Production scope used to publish indexed URLs
  • news_tab_dev_env – Development scope used to test the integration. Any actions on this scope won't affect the indexing status of a URL in the production scope
string, enum, boolean

Re-scrapes the content of an indexed URL. Used when updating an indexed news article URL

string, enum, boolean

Sets the denylist status of a URL for a specific scope for the News Tab.

  • true – Add a news article ULR to the deny list
  • false – Remove a news article from the deny list

Error Codes

Error CodeTypeDescription



The access token has expired or is invalid.



Possible issues:

  • A system user access token was not used in the API call.
  • The URL provided does not belong to a verified domain.