Manage your News Articles

You can use the News Indexing API to manage your indexed news article URL.

Get the Status of a News Article URL

Before You Start

You will need:

  • Your encoded URL
  • Your System User access token

To get the status of a news article URL, send a GET request to the id parameter set to the URL and set the fields parameters to scopes. This will get the status of the URL in the available scopes.

Sample Request

Formatted for readability.
curl -i -X GET "

Sample Response

    "news_tab_dev_env": "INDEXED",
    "news_tab": "UNINDEXED",

In the above example, the article has been added to the news index but is not yet visible on Facebook.

Update an Indexed News Article URL

Before You Start

You will need:

  • Your new encoded URL
  • The scope of the indexed URL
  • Your System User access token

To update an indexed news article URL, send a POST request to the id parameter set to the updated URL and the scrape parameter to true. The scrape parameter will allow the Facebook webcrawler to scrape the website for updated information.

Sample Request

Formatted for readability.
curl -i -X POST "

Sample Response

  "url": "",
    "news_tab_dev_env": "INDEXED"

Hide an Article from the Facebook News Tab

Hide a published news article from Facebook News tab by adding it to the denylist.

Before You Start

You will need:

  • Your URL to hide
  • The scope of the URL
  • Your System User access token


  • You must be eligible for the Facebook News Tab
  • Denylisting only hides articles in the Facebook News Tab. Articles will still be visible on other Facebook surfaces.

To add a URL to the deny list, send a POST request to the id parameter set to the URL you want to deny and the denylist parameter to true.

Sample Request

Formatted for readability.
curl -i -X POST "

Sample Response

  "url": "",
    "news_tab_dev_env": "DENYLISTED"

The denylist may be used in case an article is accidentally indexed via News API or if an article has to be unpublished on the publisher's end.

Remove a News Article URL from the Denylist

To remove a news article URL from the Facebook News Tab denylist, send a POST request to the id parameter set to the URL you want to remove and the denylist parameter set to false. This will remove the article from the Facebook News Tab denylist, setting it to be indexed, and allowing the article to be seen on the Facebook News Tab.

Sample Request

curl -i -X POST "

Sample Response

  "url": "",
    "news_tab_dev_env": "INDEXED"