Permission Management

When a person starts a conversation with your Messenger bot, they implicitly grant the following permissions:

Permission Scope Description


Per user, per bot.

Once granted, the developer may call the user profile API to obtain more information about the user.


Per user, per bot.

Once granted, the bot may message the user personally in a user-to-bot thread.

There may be other situations where only one (or neither) is granted, such as encountering your bot via a plugin or ad, or encountering a Page shared by a friend from a conversation on Messenger.

Requesting a Permission

The askPermission() method of the Messenger Extensions SDK allows you to request a specific permission from the person that opened the webview. When called, a dialog asking them to grant the requested permission will be displayed.

For a complete list of method parameters, see the askPermission() Reference.

  function(permission_response) {
    // Person grants or rejects the asked permission.
    let permissions = permission_response.permissions; // list of all permissions granted
    let isGranted = permission_response.isGranted;

    if (isGranted) {
      // User has granted user_profile permission
  }, function(errorCode, errorMessage) {
    // Error occurred

The method returns the following object to the success callback after the person responds to the request:


Note that the success callback is called regardless of whether the person granted or rejected your permission request. To determine if the permission was granted, use the is_granted property of the response.

Retrieving a List of Current Permissions

The getGrantedPermissions() method of the Messenger Extensions SDK returns a list of permissions that are currently granted to you by the person that opened the webview.

You might use this information to first display context and set expectations for a given request. It does not produce any visible UI change.

For a complete list of method parameters, see the getGrantedPermissions() Reference.

MessengerExtensions.getGrantedPermissions(function (permissions_response) {
  let permission = permissions_response.permissions // list of permissions granted
}, function() {
  // An error occurred

The method returns an array of the permissions that are currently granted to you in the permissions property of the following object:
