Instant Form Template

Instant Form templates help you generate and qualify leads by asking people to fill out a form without leaving the conversation.

Cette fonctionnalité est en développement. Meta peut la modifier ou la supprimer à tout moment.

This guide explains how to send an instant form for a Messenger conversation.

Before You Start

Dans ce guide, nous partons du principe que vous avez lu la présentation de la plateforme Messenger et implémenté les composants nécessaires pour envoyer et recevoir des messages et des notifications.

You will need:

Form Eligibility Requirements

For a form to be eligible, it must contain the following elements:

  • Questions in the form can only be one of the following types:
    • CUSTOM
    • EMAIL
    • PHONE

    If a form has a questions.type that is set to any other value than those listed, the form will be ineligible.

  • During form creation, the block_display_for_non_targeted_viewer parameter must be set to false. This marks the form as Open Sharing.

Visit the Marketing API - Lead Ads Forms documentation for more information.

Step 2. Send

Use the instant form template to send the form to a potential customer.

To send an instant form message, send a POST request to the /page_id/messages endpoint where *page_id is the Page sending the message with the following required parameters:

  • a recipient_id set to the person's Page-scoped ID
  • message.attachment object with:
    • type set to template
    • payload object with:
      • template_type set to instant_form
      • form_id set to the ID for your form

Example Request

Formatted for readability. Replace bold, italics values, such as ad_account_id, with your values.
curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{  
           "recipient": { "id": "PAGE_SCOPED_ID" },
           "message": {
             "attachment": {
               "type": "template",
               "payload": {
                 "template_type": "instant_form",
	               "form_id": "YOUR_INSTANT_FORM_ID",

On success your app receives the following JSON response with the ID for the recipient and the ID for the message.

  "recipient_id": "RECIPIENT_ID",
  "message_id": "MESSAGE_ID"

Error Codes

The most common error response your app will receive is 2018382 where in the form ID is incorrect or the form is ineligible.

  "error": {
    "message": "(#1) The given \"FORM_ID\" field is incorrect, or the form is not inthread eligible.",
    "type": "OAuthException",
    "code": 1,
    "error_subcode": 2018382,
    "fbtrace_id": "..."

Webhook Notifications

When a person has submitted an instant form message, the messaging_in_thread_lead_form_submit webhook is triggered and your app will receive a notification with information about the form submission.

Example Notification

	"object": "page",
	"entry": [
      "time": UNIX_TIME_STAMP,
			"id":  PAGE_ID,
			"messaging:": [
					"sender": {
						"id":  SENDER_ID
					"recipient": {
						"id":  RECIPIENT_ID
      "timestamp":  UNIX_TIME_STAMP,
					"form": {
						"id":  FORM_ID