Receipt Template

The receipt template allows you to send an order confirmation as a structured message. The template may include an order summary, payment details, and shipping information.


Template Payload

For a complete list of template properties, see the Receipt Template reference.

"payload": {
    "subtotal": <SUBTOTAL_AMOUNT>,
    "shipping_cost": <SHIPPING_AMOUNT>,
    "total_tax": <TAX_AMOUNT>,
    "total_cost": <TOTAL_AMOUNT>
      "name": "<ADJUSTMENT_NAME>",
      "amount": <ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT>
      "title": "<ITEM_NAME>",
      "quantity": <QUANTITY>,
      "price": <ITEM_PRICE>,
      "currency": "<CURRENCY_ABBREVIATION",

Example Request

For complete request details and properties, see the Receipt Template Reference.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
        "recipient_name":"Stephane Crozatier",
        "payment_method":"Visa 2345",        
          "street_1":"1 Hacker Way",
          "city":"Menlo Park",
            "name":"New Customer Discount",
            "name":"$10 Off Coupon",
            "title":"Classic White T-Shirt",
            "subtitle":"100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton",
            "title":"Classic Gray T-Shirt",
            "subtitle":"100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton",

Example Response

  "recipient_id": "1254477777772919",
  "message_id": "AG5Hz2Uq7tuwNEhXfYYKj8mJEM_QPpz5jdCK48PnKAjSdjfipqxqMvK8ma6AC8fplwlqLP_5cgXIbu7I3rBN0P"

Best Practices

Continue to keep people informed. After the receipt is delivered, send timely updates that contain shipping and delivery confirmation.

Don’t use the receipt template to communicate info unrelated to purchases. It should only be used to confirm a previous transaction.