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영어 업데이트됨: 6월 26일
한국어 업데이트됨: 2018. 9. 17.

Greeting Text

Messenger Profile API

greeting is a property of the Messenger Profile API. For information on retrieving, setting, updating, and deleting greeting, see the Messenger Profile API Reference.

The greeting property of your bot's Messenger profile allows you to specify the greeting message people will see on the welcome screen of your bot. The welcome screen is displayed for people interacting with your bot for the first time.

If greeting text is not set for the user's locale, the standard greeting text set with the thread settings API will be shown in the welcome screen. If the standard greeting text is not set either, the page description will be shown.


To set or update the greeting text you must have the 'Administrator' role for the Page associated with the bot.

greeting Format

  }, {
    "text":"Timeless apparel for the masses."


Property Type Description



Locale of the greeting text, shown when the person's locale matches the provided locale.

You must at least specify greeting text for the default locale, which will be displayed if no provided locale matches the person's locale.

List of supported locales.



The greeting text for the specific locale. Must be in UTF-8. 160 character limit.


대화 중인 사용자 이름을 언급하여 텍스트를 맞춤 설정할 수 있습니다. 다음과 같은 템플릿 문자열을 사용할 수 있습니다.

  • {{user_first_name}}
  • {{user_last_name}}
  • {{user_full_name}}


    "text":"Hello {{user_first_name}}!"

사용 제한

Messenger 프로필 API에 대한 호출은 10분당 API 호출 10회로 제한됩니다. 이 사용 제한은 페이지별로 적용됩니다.