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영어 업데이트됨: 6월 26일
한국어 업데이트됨: 2018. 9. 5.

account_linking_url Reference

Messenger Profile API

account_linking_url is a property of the Messenger Profile API. For information on retrieving, setting, updating, and deleting account_linking_url, see the Messenger Profile API Reference.

Messenger's Account Linking allows a secure and consistent way to link user accounts in your bot to the user's Messenger account. When a user has linked their account, Log In and Log Out buttons will be shown in the profile screen. Using this feature requires a valid account_linking_url in your bot's Messenger Profile.

For complete details on implementing account linking, see Account Linking.


To set or update the account linking URL you must have the 'Administrator' role for the Page associated with the bot.

account_linking_url Format



Property Type Description



URL opened by the Messenger Platform when a user triggers account linking.

사용 제한

Messenger 프로필 API에 대한 호출은 10분당 API 호출 10회로 제한됩니다. 이 사용 제한은 페이지별로 적용됩니다.