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Quick Replies

Quick replies provide a way to present a set of buttons in-conversation for users to reply with. A maximum of 13 quick replies are supported and each quick reply allows up to 20 characters before being truncated. Quick replies only support plain text.

When a quick reply is tapped, the buttons are dismissed, and the title of the tapped button is posted to the conversation as a message. A messages event will be sent to your webhook that contains the button title and an optional payload.

This feature is currently not available on desktop.

Sending Quick Replies

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "messaging_type": "RESPONSE",
    "text": "<SOME_TEXT>",
}' "https://graph.facebook.com/v8.0/me/messages?access_token=<PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN>"

Webhook Event

When a quick reply is tapped, a text message will be sent to your message webhook.

The text property of the event will correspond to the title of the Quick Reply. The message object will also contain a field named quick_reply containing the payload data on the Quick Reply.

  "object": "instagram",
  "entry": [
      "id": "<IGID>",
      "time": 1502905976963,
      "messaging": [
          "sender": {
            "id": "<IGSID>"
          "recipient": {
            "id": "<IGID>"
          "timestamp": 1502905976377,
          "message": {
            "quick_reply": {
              "payload": "<PAYLOAD>"
            "mid": "<MID>",
            "text": "<SOME_TEXT>"

Unterstützung für Entwickler*innen