アプリのインストールはアプリのウェブサイトから行い、 Facebookログイン を使用して特定のページにpages_messagingアクセス許可を付与します。認証済みアプリは、[メッセージの詳細設定]内の[ページ設定]で確認できます。
はい、複数のアプリをページにサブスクリプション登録できます。複数のアプリで同じスレッドを扱う場合に最適な方法は ハンドオーバープロトコル を使ってスレッドを所有するボットを常に管理することです。
No. Unlike subscriptions where a business can send multiple messages to people on a recurring basis, the one-time notification API limits the business to a single message per user request. If the person engages with the message, the standard messaging window will reopen.
Yes. Pages interested in using the One-time Notification API need to apply for permission. Go to the Advanced Messaging section of your Page Settings and consent to the terms. A Page will be granted permission if the Page meets our criteria.
Common uses of the API include various promotional and non-promotional use cases where the User explicitly requested a follow-up. Examples include:
Your Page is not allowed to send a notification on a topic for which the User has not agreed to receive a notification. Please see the Usage and Restrictions and Limitations sections of the One-time Notification guide for more information.
A Page can send multiple requests however, the 24-hour policy will be applied to all the requests being sent. We also have controls in place to prevent spamming users with multiple requests.
The 24 hour standard messaging window will open only if the user interacts with the opt-in message. The behavior is consistent with interactions with other elements in the Messenger experience.
Pages will need to subscribe to message_optins webhook to receive notifications about User consent.
Once a person asks to be notified, the Page will receive a token which is equivalent to a permission to send a single message to the person. The token can be used to send a message to the person outside the 24 hour window. The token can only be used once and unused tokens will expire within 1 year of creation.
Yes. However, while it is possible to send another notification request using an existing token, there is no clear benefit for the business to send these type of requests.
Token is for one-time use only. Once a token is used it can not be used again.
No. The API does not return tokens available to a Page.
Page level. Permissions for the One-time Notification API are given at the Page level.
No. The app does not need to specify any message tags when sending a message outside the 24-hour standard messaging window using this API.
GET /oauth/access_token? grant_type=fb_exchange_token& client_id={app-id}& client_secret={app-secret}& fb_exchange_token={short-lived-token}
最近のWebhookのエラーを表示するツールがあります。Webhooksで配信に失敗している場合、Facebookサーバーは該当するURLをサブスクリプション登録解除することになります。このツールを利用するには、アプリダッシュボード> [Messenger] > [設定]に移動し、Webhooksカードの中の[最近のエラーを表示]というボタンを使用します。