Uninstall Meta Business Extension

Learn how to uninstall the Meta Business Extension and contact us using Direct Support.

Uninstall Meta Business Extension from Your Platform

You should add an entrypoint (button) for businesses to uninstall Meta Business Extension from your platform. Uninstall Meta Business Extension for a business by making a DELETE request to the following endpoint:

curl -X DELETE \
"https://graph.facebook.com/v<API_VERSION>/fbe_business/fbe_installs?fbe_external_business_id=<Meta Business Extension_EXTERNAL_BUSINESS_ID>&access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>"

The access token used in this call can be either a user access token or a system user access token.

If the same user has more than one Meta Business Extension connected with their business, uninstalling one of them does not impact the others.

After client uninstalls Meta Business Extension, the client is off-boarded from the Business On-Behalf-Of solution. That means the partner Business Manager no longer has access to Meta Business Extension assets in the client Business Manager (current behavior), and other assets that were shared using the Business On-Behalf-Of solution (new behavior).

Permission Revoke

Another way to uninstall Meta Business Extension is by using our Graph API to revoke the manage_business_extension permission. If you revoke this permission, we disable all Meta Business Extension features on their Facebook Page and Instagram Profile. This process still works, but we recommend migrating to the API call described above to avoid issues in the future.

To revoke the manage_business_extension permission:

curl -X DELETE \
  -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

You can get the business app-scoped-user-id from the Webhook or by calling the following Graph API endpoint with an Access Token:

curl -X GET \


If you have implemented an fbe_install Webhook to receive prompt updates about Meta Business Extension installations and reconfigurations, you will also receive events when the user uninstalls Meta Business Extension.

To differentiate install and updates from uninstall Webhook events, rely on payload fbe_event field to distinguishes whether the event notification is an install or uninstall. See full list of Meta Business Extension webhook payload fields here.

Contact Us

Use the Direct Support tool in Business Manager to get assistance directly from our team:

  • Commerce partners: use the topic Marketing Partner: Technical Support or contact your Meta partner manager directly.

If you don’t see your desired topic in the Direct Support dropdown menu, please contact your Meta partner manager representative via email for access.

Direct Support has a strong integration with Business Manager. So make sure to add all your team members who will be using the Direct Support tool to submit questions and bugs as users of your company Business Manager. Learn how to do this by following the instructions here.