Assign Permissions to the Admin System User

The admin system user created in the previous step can create new users, add accounts, assign permissions, and access all assets belonging to the business. To do this, the admin system user needs the following permissions:

Before You Begin

Before you assign permissions, make sure you have completed this step:


Finance editor permission

  1. Go to the Business Settings.
  2. Under Users, click on System Users.
  3. Select the admin system user, and click the Edit button.
  4. Select Finance editor for the finance role.
  5. Click Update system user.

Manage app permission

  1. Go to the Business Settings.
  2. Under Users, click on System Users.
  3. Select the admin system user, and click the Add assets button.
  4. Select Apps as the asset type in the Assign Assets pop-up dialog.
  5. Select your app, then select the Manage App setting.
  6. Click Save changes.

Manage catalog permission

  1. Go to the Business Settings.
  2. Under Users, click on System Users.
  3. Select the admin system user, and click the Add assets button.
  4. Select Catalogs as the asset type in the Assign Assets pop-up dialog.
  5. Select your parent catalog, then select the Manage Catalog setting.
  6. Click Save changes.