Audience Targeting

Include and exclude specific audiences from viewing your Live Video.

Before You Start

For live videos on a Page, you will need:


Create a Target Audience

To set a target audience, send a POST to the /id request where id is the LiveVideo ID and set the targeting parameter to an object with a comma separated list of audience parameters.

When testing an API call, you can include the access_token parameter set to your access token. However, when making secure calls from your app, use the access token class.

curl -i -X POST \

On success your app receives a JSON response with a list of audience parameters that have been set.

Sample Response

  "targeting": {
    "age_max": 65,
    "age_min": 17,
    "geo_locations": {
      "countries": [
  "id": "<LIVE_VIDEO_ID>"   

Get Target Audience Information

To get a list of audience target information, send a GET request to the /LIVE_VIDEO_ID endpoint with the field parameter set to targeting.

curl -i -X GET \

On success your app receives a JSON response with a list of audience parameters that have been set.

Sample Response

  "targeting": {
    "age_max": 65,
    "age_min": 17,
    "geo_locations": {
      "countries": [
  "id": "<LIVE_VIDEO_ID>"       