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Changelog for Instagram Platform

This changelog refers to changes made for the Instagram APIs.

Related Changelogs

September 17, 2024

New scope values

Applies to all versions.

To ensure consistency between scope values and permission names, we are introducing new scope values for the Instagram API with Instagram login. The new scope values are:

  • instagram_business_basic
  • instagram_business_content_publishing
  • instagram_business_manage_comments
  • instagram_business_manage_messages

These will replace the existing business_basic, business_content_publishing, business_manage_comments and business_manage_messages values, respectively.

Please note that the old scope values will be deprecated on December 17, 2024. It is essential to update your code before this date to avoid any disruption in your app's functionality. Failure to do so will result in your app being unable to call the Instagram endpoints.

July 23, 2024

Launch of the new Instagram API with Instagram Login

Components of this new Instagram API:

  • A Facebook Page will no longer be required
  • The host URL for API calls is
  • New permissions for this API:
    • instagram_business_basic
    • instagram_business_content_publishing
    • instagram_business_manage_comments
    • instagram_business_manage_messages
  • The Messenger API will no longer be used to send Instagram messages
  • New apps will add the new Instagram product when creating a Meta app
  • Existing apps can add the new Instagram product in the App Dashboard

Visit our migration guide to learn if this new Instagram API with Instagram Login is right for you.

June 11, 2024

Instagram Comment Webhooks

Applies to all versions.

In addition to the ad_id and ad_title, the original_media_id will be returned in the media object of the comments field's value object when a person comments on a boosted Instagram post or Instagram ads post. For more information, refer to Set Up Webhooks for Instagram.

May 21, 2024

Instagram User Insights

Applies to v20.0+. Will apply to all versions on August 19, 2024.

The last_14_days, last_30_days, last_90_days and prev_month timeframes will no longer be supported for the reached_audience_demographics and engaged_audience_demographics metrics.

The following endpoints and metrics are affected:

September 12, 2023

Deprecation of Media and User Insights

Applies to v18.0+. Will apply to all versions on December 11, 2023.

Duplicative and legacy Instagram insight metrics are being deprecated. Please see documentation for the endpoints and Instagram Insights for more information on which metrics to use in their place.

The following endpoints and metrics are affected:

  • GET /{ig-user-id}/insights
  • GET /{ig-media-id}/insights
    • EXITS

Note: total_interactions, which is listed as an alternative for some of the deprecated metrics, is currently only available using version 18.0 and does not work with older versions. When querying older versions before Dec 11, 2023, please use the engagement metric.total_interactions, which is listed as an alternative for some of the deprecated metrics, is currently only available using version 18.0 and does not work with older versions. When querying older versions before Dec 11, 2023, please use the engagement metric.

November 9, 2022

Instagram Webhooks

Applies to all versions.

The ad_id and ad_title will be returned in the media object of the comments field's value object when a person comments on a boosted Instagram post or Instagram ads post.

October 31st

Reels – Product Tags

Applies to all versions.

Instagram Product Tagging API for Reels is made available. You can tag up to 30 products when publishing a reel.

June 28, 2022


Applies to all versions.

Reels are now supported. To publish a video as a reel, set the media_type parameter to REELS when creating a single media post container. Refer to the POST /ig-user/media endpoint reference to learn which parameters can be used with reels as well as requirements for reels videos.

Note: Beginning November 9, 2023, the VIDEO value for media_type will no longer be supported. Use the REELS media type to publish a video to your feed.

June 27, 2022

Dokumen API Instagram Legasi

Berlaku untuk semua versi.

Dokumentasi developer API Instagram legasi telah dihapus dan sekarang diarahkan ke dokumentasi developer Platform Instagram.

June 20, 2022

Pelabelan Produk

Berlaku untuk semua versi.

Anda sekarang dapat membuat dan mengelola Label Produk Instagram Shop di media yang diterbitkan oleh Instagram Business. Baca panduan Pelabelan Produk untuk mempelajari caranya.

May 27, 2022

Product Variants

Applies to all versions.

For partners in the Product Tagging beta, all product variants that match a query's search criteria will now be returned when searching a catalog for products.

March 15, 2022

Postingan Carousel

Berlaku untuk semua versi.

Anda sekarang dapat menggunakan Instagram API untuk menerbitkan postingan yang berisi banyak gambar dan video (postingan carousel). Baca panduan Penerbitan Konten untuk menyelesaikan langkah penerbitan.

Jika aplikasi Anda telah disetujui untuk izin yang diperlukan dalam penerbitan konten, aplikasi tidak perlu menjalani Tinjauan Aplikasi lagi untuk memanfaatkan fungsi ini.

November 9, 2021

Video Siaran Langsung

Berlaku untuk semua versi.

API Instagram sekarang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan Media Instagram video siaran langsung yang disiarkan oleh pengguna aplikasi Anda, mendapatkan komentar pada video tersebut, dan menggunakan API Messaging Instagram untuk mengirim balasan pribadi (pesan direct) ke penulis komentar. Untuk mendukung fungsi ini, perubahan berikut telah dibuat:

  • Edge GET /ig-user/live_media ini dapat memberikan Media Instagram video siaran langsung yang sedang disiarkan oleh pengguna aplikasi Anda pada saat permintaan
  • Kolom media pada Komentar Instagram sekarang memberikan objek berisi ID (id) dan lokasi (media_product_type) media yang diterbitkan setelah komentar ditulis
  • Kolom Webhooks Instagram live_comments baru dapat mengirim notifikasi yang berisi komentar siaran langsung yang dibuat pada video siaran langsung pengguna aplikasi Anda saat sedang disiarkan

Buka dokumentasi balasan pribadi API Messaging Instagram untuk mempelajari cara mengirimkan balasan pribadi kepada pengguna yang telah berkomentar di Media Instagram video siaran langsung milik pengguna aplikasi Anda.

October 20, 2021

Komentar Instagram

Berlaku untuk semua versi.

Dua kolom baru telah ditambahkan ke Komentar Instagram:

  • from — mengembalikan objek berisi IGSID (id) dan nama pengguna (username) si kreator komentar.
  • parent_id — menampilkan ID Komentar Instagram induk jika komentar ini dibuat di Komentar Instagram lain (yaitu balasan untuk komentar lain).

Webhooks Instagram

Berlaku untuk semua versi.

Kolom Webhooks comments Instagram sekarang mencakup properti berikut dalam objek kolom value:

  • from.idIGSID pengguna Instagram yang menulis komentar tersebut.
  • from.username — Nama pengguna Instagram yang menulis komentar tersebut
  • — ID Media Instagram yang dikomentari.
  • media.media_product_type — Permukaan (lokasi penerbitan) Media Instagram yang dikomentari.
  • parent_id — ID Komentar Instagram induk jika komentar ini dibuat di Komentar Instagram lain (yaitu balasan untuk komentar lain).

October 5, 2021

Perubahan berikut berlaku untuk video Instagram TV yang dibuat pada atau setelah 5 Oktober 2021. Video Instagram TV yang dibuat sebelum tanggal ini dikecualikan dari perubahan ini.

  • Kolommedia_product_type akan menampilkan FEED dan bukan IGTV
  • Kolomvideo_title tidak akan dikembalikan
  • Kolom comments dan mentionsWebhooks Instagram sekarang didukung

Mulai 3 Januari 2022, perubahan di atas akan berlaku untuk semua versi API dan semua video Instagram TV, terlepas dari tanggal pembuatan video. Ini berarti bahwa mulai 3 Januari 2022, aplikasi yang menggunakan versi API lama akan dapat meng-kueri video Instagram TV (dukungan baca diperkenalkan di v10.0 dan terbatas pada v10.0+).

Mulai v14.0, kolom video_title tidak akan didukung lagi dan API akan memunculkan kesalahan jika kolom diminta.

June 8, 2021

Like Counts

Applies to v11.0+. Will apply to all versions September 7, 2021.

If indirectly querying an IG Media through another endpoint or field expansion, the like_count field will be omitted from API responses if the media owner has hidden like counts on it. Directly querying the IG Media (which can only be done by the IG Media owner) will return the actual like count, however, even if like counts have been hidden.

Time-based Pagination

Applies to v11.0+.

Added since and until parameters to the GET /{ig-user-id}/media endpoint to support time-based pagination.

May 26, 2021

Jika secara tidak langsung mengirim kueri Media Instagram melalui endpoint lain, kolom like_count sekarang akan mengembalikan 0 jika pengguna aplikasi tidak memiliki media dan pemilik media telah menyembunyikan jumlah suka. Mengirim kueri langsung Media Instagram, yang hanya dapat dilakukan oleh pemilik Media Instagram, akan mengembalikan jumlah suka yang sebenarnya, meskipun pemilik telah menyembunyikan jumlah suka di media.

May 4, 2021

Ada perubahan kecil dalam cara kami menghitung metrik online_followers pada Pengguna Instagram.

April 14, 2021

Interaksi Media Instagram Cerita yang dilakukan oleh pengguna di Jepang tidak lagi termasuk dalam beberapa perhitungan metrik replies:

  • Untuk cerita yang dibuat oleh pengguna di Jepang, metrik replies sekarang akan mengembalikan nilai 0.
  • Untuk cerita yang dibuat oleh pengguna di luar Jepang, metrik replies akan mengembalikan jumlah balasan, tetapi balasan yang dibuat oleh pengguna di Jepang tidak akan disertakan dalam penghitungan.

April 12, 2021

Fixed a minor bug with reach metrics on story IG Media.

April 9, 2021

March 16, 2021

IGTV media is now supported in v10.0+. This applies to all endpoints except those used for content publishing and webhooks. To support this change, new media_product_type and video_title fields have been added to the IG Media node. IGTV media must have been shared to Instagram at the time of publish (Post a Preview or Share Preview to Feed enabled) in order to be accessible via the API.

Januray 26, 2021

The Content Publishing beta has ended and all developers can now publish media on Instagram Professional accounts. Refer to the Content Publishing guide for usage details.

December 2, 2020

In compliance with the European Union's ePrivacy Directive, messaging-related Story IG Media interactions performed by users in the European Economic Area (EEA) after December 1, 2020, will no longer be included in some metric calculations:

  • For Stories created by users in the EEA, the replies metric will now return a value of 0.
  • For Stories created by users outside the EEA, the replies metric will return the number of replies, but replies made my users in the EEA will not be included in its calculation.

This change applies to all versions.

November 10, 2020

  • IG User Insights — The follower_count values now align more closely with their corresponding values displayed in the Instagram app. In addition, follower_count now returns a maximum of 30 days of data instead of 2 years. This change applies to v9.0+ and will apply to all versions May 9, 2021.

May 5, 2020

December 3, 2019

  • Insights — To align API behavior with Instagram app behavior, insights on IG Users are now only available on IG Users that have 100 or more followers.

August 13, 2019

  • Business Discovery — The Business Discovery API can now be used to get data about other Instagram Creator accounts.

May 22, 2019

May 9, 2019

  • Webhooks — The story_insights field now requires the instagram_manage_insights permission instead of instagram_manage_comments.

October 31, 2018

  • Hashtag Search API — You can now search for media tagged with specific hashtags by using our new Hashtag Search API. #spooky!

October 23, 2018

  • /{ig-media-id}/comments edge — GET requests made using API version 3.1 or older will have results returned in chronological order. Requests made using version 3.2+ will have results returned in reverse chronological order.

June 7, 2018

  • /{ig-media-id} node — You can now use field expansion to get the permalink field on media objects.

May 1, 2018

  • Business Verification — In order to use the Instagram Graph API, all apps must undergo Business Verification, which is part of the App Review process and now required for all Instagram Graph API endpoints. Apps previously reviewed before May 1st, 2018, have to be reviewed again, and have until August 1st, 2018 to do so, or lose access to the API.

April 24, 2018

  • /{ig-comment-id} node:
    • Added a new username field.
    • For GET requests, the user field will not be included in responses unless the User making the request owns the Comment; instead, we will return username for all commenters. This also applies to queries on Comments made through other APIs, such as the Mentions API.
  • /{ig-media-id} node:
    • Added a new username field.
    • For GET requests, the owner field will not be included in responses unless the User making the request owns the media object; instead, we will return username for all commenters. This also applies to queries on media objects made through other APIs, such as the Mentions API.

April 23, 2018

  • Insights API — Insights will now include ad activity generated through the API, Facebook ads interfaces, and Instagram's Promote feature. This affects the following metrics:

    • impressions
    • reach

March 13, 2018

  • Content Publishing API — Beta partners can now use the /{ig-user-id}/media edge to tag locations and public Instagram users when publishing photos.

March 8, 2018

  • Public fields — The timestamp field on the /{ig-media-id} node is now a public field and can be returned via field expansion.

February 22, 2018

  • Public fields — The /{ig-user-id}, /{ig-comment-id}, and /{ig-media-id} nodes will now return all public fields when accessed through an edge via field expansion. Refer to each node's reference document to see which fields are public.

February 8, 2018

  • Content Publishing API — Beta partners can now include hashtags when publishing photos via the /{ig-user-id}/media edge. #crazywildebeest FTW!