Subscriptions Edge

You can use the Graph API's /app/subscriptions edge to configure and manage your app's Webhooks product. Refer to our /app/subscriptions documentation to see which operations you can perform with this edge, and any permissions they require. This document only covers a few common operations.

Creating Subscriptions

To subscribe to an object and its fields, send a POST request to the /app/subscriptions edge and include the following parameters:

  • object — The type of object you want to set up field subscriptions for (e.g., user).
  • callback_url — Your endpoint's URL.
  • verify_token — A string that we will include whenever we send you a verification request.
  • fields — The fields you want to subscribe to (e.g., photos).

For example, if your app's ID were 188559381496048 and you want to be notified when your app's user publish a new photo, you could do this:

Sample Request

curl -F "object=user" \
     -F "callback_url=" \
     -F "fields=photos" \
     -F "verify_token=your-verify-token" \
     -F "access_token=your-app-access-token" \

Sample Response

If successful:

  "success": "true"

Getting Subscription Information

To see the object and field subscriptions that you have set up for your app, send a GET request the /app/subscriptions edge. For example, if your app's ID were 188559381496048, you could do this:

Sample Request


Sample Response

  "data": [
      "object": "user",
      "callback_url": "",
      "active": true,
      "fields": [
          "name": "photos",
          "version": "v2.10"
          "name": "feed",
          "version": "v2.10"