Represents a Facebook Page.
Over the coming months, all classic Pages will be migrated to the New Pages Experience. Use the has_transitioned_to_new_page_experience
Page field to determine if a Page has been migrated. After all Pages have been migrated, the classic Pages experience will no longer be available.
Refer to our Pages API Guides for additional usage information.
For apps that have been granted the
permissions, only data owned by the Page is accessible.
For apps that have been approved for either the
Page Public Content Access (PPCA)
Page Public Metadata Access (PPMA)
feature, only public data is accessible.
Learn more.instagram_business_account
field requires a User access token from a User who is able to perform appropriate tasks on the Page. Refer to the Instagram Graph API's Page reference for more information.
permission may be required.All users requesting access to a Page using permissions must be able to perform the
on the Page being queried.
Requirements vary based on the Page's status, unpublished or published, and unrestricted or restricted. Restrictions include any visibility restrictions such as by age or region. Note that for restricted Pages, the app user must also satisfy any restrictions in order for data to be returned.
Page Status | Access Token | Feature, to retrieve public data | Permissions, to retrieve Page owned data |
Unpublished | None | None | |
Published, Unrestricted | PPCA or PPMA |
| |
Published, Restricted | PPCA or PPMA |
curl -i -X GET ""
Parameter | Keterangan |
account_linking_token UTF-8 encoded string | Short lived account linking token (5 mins expiry) to get the PSID for a user-page pair |
Kolom | Keterangan |
id numeric string | The ID representing a Facebook Page. |
about string | Information about the Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. This value maps to the Description setting in the Edit Page Info user interface. Limit of 100 characters. |
access_token string | The Page's access token. Only returned if the User making the request has a role (other than Live Contributor) on the Page. If your business requires two-factor authentication, the User must also be authenticated |
ad_campaign | The Page's currently running an ad campaign |
affiliation string | Affiliation of this person. Applicable to Pages representing people. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
app_id id | App ID for app-owned Pages and app Pages |
artists_we_like string | Artists the band likes. Applicable to Bands. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
attire string | Dress code of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife. Can be one of Casual, Dressy or Unspecified. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
available_promo_offer_ids list<KeyValue:enum,list<KeyValue:string,string>> | available_promo_offer_ids |
awards string | The awards information of the film. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
band_interests string | Band interests. Applicable to Bands. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
band_members string | Members of the band. Applicable to Bands. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
best_page | The best available Page on Facebook for the concept represented by this Page. The best available Page takes into account authenticity and the number of likes |
bio string | Biography of the band. Applicable to Bands. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. Limit of 100 characters. |
birthday string | Birthday of this person. Applicable to Pages representing people. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
booking_agent string | Booking agent of the band. Applicable to Bands. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
breaking_news_usage null | Information about the availability of daily and monthly usages of the breaking news indicator Penghentian Layanan |
built string | Year vehicle was built. Applicable to Vehicles. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
business | The Business associated with this Page. Requires business_management permissions, and a page or user access token. The person requesting the access token must be an admin of the page. |
can_checkin bool | Whether the Page has checkin functionality enabled. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
can_post bool | Indicates whether the current app user can post on this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
category string | The Page's category. e.g. Product/Service, Computers/Technology. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
category_list | The Page's sub-categories. This field will not return the parent category. |
checkins unsigned int32 | Number of checkins at a place represented by a Page |
company_overview string | The company overview. Applicable to Companies. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
connected_instagram_account | Instagram account connected to page via page settings |
contact_address | The mailing or contact address for this page. This field will be blank if the contact address is the same as the physical address |
copyright_attribution_insights CopyrightAttributionInsights | Insight metrics that measures performance of copyright attribution. An example metric would be number of incremental followers from attribution |
copyright_whitelisted_ig_partners list<string> | Instagram usernames who will not be reported in copyright match systems |
country_page_likes unsigned int32 | If this is a Page in a Global Pages hierarchy, the number of people who are being directed to this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
cover | Information about the page's cover photo |
culinary_team string | Culinary team of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
current_location string | Current location of the Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. To manage a child Page's location use the |
delivery_and_pickup_option_info list<string> | A Vector of url strings for delivery_and_pickup_option_info of the Page. |
description string | The description of the Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. Note that this value is mapped to the Additional Information setting in the Edit Page Info user interface. |
description_html string | The description of the Page in raw HTML. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
differently_open_offerings list<KeyValue:enum,bool> | To be used when |
directed_by string | The director of the film. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
display_subtext string | Subtext about the Page being viewed. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
string | Page estimated message response time displayed to user. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
does_viewer_have_page_permission_link_ig bool | does_viewer_have_page_permission_link_ig |
emails list<string> | The emails listed in the About section of a Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
The social sentence and like count information for this Page. This is the same info used for the like button | |
unsigned int32 | The number of users who like the Page. For Global Pages this is the count for all Pages across the brand. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. For New Page Experience Pages, this field will return |
features string | Features of the vehicle. Applicable to Vehicles. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
followers_count unsigned int32 | Number of page followers |
food_styles list<string> | The restaurant's food styles. Applicable to Restaurants |
founded string | When the company was founded. Applicable to Pages in the Company category. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
general_info string | General information provided by the Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
general_manager string | General manager of the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
genre string | The genre of the film. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
global_brand_page_name string | The name of the Page with country codes appended for Global Pages. Only visible to the Page admin. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
global_brand_root_id numeric string | This brand's global Root ID |
has_added_app bool | Indicates whether this Page has added the app making the query in a Page tab. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
has_lead_access | has_lead_access |
has_transitioned_to_new_page_experience bool | indicates whether a page has transitioned to new page experience or not |
has_whatsapp_business_number bool | Indicates whether WhatsApp number connected to this page is a WhatsApp business number. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
has_whatsapp_number bool | Indicates whether WhatsApp number connected to this page is a WhatsApp number. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
hometown string | Hometown of the band. Applicable to Bands |
hours map<string, string> | Indicates a single range of opening hours for a day. Each day can have 2 different |
string | Legal information about the Page publishers. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
influences string | Influences on the band. Applicable to Bands. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
instagram_business_account | Instagram account linked to page during Instagram business conversion flow |
bool | Indicates whether this location is always open. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
is_calling_eligible bool | is_calling_eligible |
is_chain bool | Indicates whether location is part of a chain. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
is_community_page bool | Indicates whether the Page is a community Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
is_eligible_for_branded_content bool | Indicates whether the page is eligible for the branded content tool |
is_eligible_for_disable_connect_ig_btn_for_non_page_admin_am_web bool | is_eligible_for_disable_connect_ig_btn_for_non_page_admin_am_web |
is_messenger_bot_get_started_enabled bool | Indicates whether the page is a Messenger Platform Bot with Get Started button enabled |
is_messenger_platform_bot bool | Indicates whether the page is a Messenger Platform Bot. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
is_owned bool | Indicates whether Page is owned. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
is_permanently_closed bool | Whether the business corresponding to this Page is permanently closed. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
is_published bool | Indicates whether the Page is published and visible to non-admins |
is_unclaimed bool | Indicates whether the Page is unclaimed |
is_verified bool | Deprecated, use "verification_status". Pages with a large number of followers can be manually verified by Facebook as [having an authentic identity] ( This field indicates whether the Page is verified by this process. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. Penghentian Layanan |
bool | Indicates whether the application is subscribed for real time updates from this page |
keywords null | Deprecated. Returns null Penghentian Layanan |
leadgen_tos_acceptance_time datetime | Indicates the time when the TOS for running LeadGen Ads on the page was accepted |
leadgen_tos_accepted bool | Indicates whether a user has accepted the TOS for running LeadGen Ads on the Page |
leadgen_tos_accepting_user | Indicates the user who accepted the TOS for running LeadGen Ads on the page |
link string | The Page's Facebook URL |
location | The location of this place. Applicable to all Places |
members string | Members of this org. Applicable to Pages representing Team Orgs. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
merchant_id string | The instant workflow merchant ID associated with the Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
merchant_review_status enum | Review status of the Page against FB commerce policies, this status decides whether the Page can use component flow |
messaging_feature_status MessagingFeatureStatus | messaging_feature_status |
messenger_ads_default_icebreakers list<string> | The default ice breakers for a certain page |
messenger_ads_default_quick_replies list<string> | The default quick replies for a certain page |
messenger_ads_quick_replies_type enum | Indicates what type this page is and we will generate different sets of quick replies based on it. Values include |
mission string | The company mission. Applicable to Companies |
mpg string | MPG of the vehicle. Applicable to Vehicles. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
name string | The name of the Page |
string | The name of the Page with its location and/or global brand descriptor. Only visible to a page admin. Non-page admins will get the same value as |
network string | The TV network for the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
new_like_count unsigned int32 | The number of people who have liked the Page, since the last login. Only visible to a Page admin. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
offer_eligible bool | Offer eligibility status. Only visible to a page admin |
overall_star_rating float | Overall page rating based on rating survey from users on a scale of 1-5. This value is normalized and is not guaranteed to be a strict average of user ratings. If there are 0 or a small number of ratings, this field will not be returned. |
page_token string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
parent_page | Parent Page of this Page. If the Page is part of a Global Root Structure and you have permission to the Global Root, the Global Root Parent Page is returned. If you do not have Global Root permission, the Market Page for your current region is returned as the Parent Page. If your Page is not part of a Global Root Structure, the Parent Page is returned. |
parking | Parking information. Applicable to Businesses and Places |
payment_options | Payment options accepted by the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife |
personal_info string | Personal information. Applicable to Pages representing People. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
personal_interests string | Personal interests. Applicable to Pages representing People. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
pharma_safety_info string | Pharmacy safety information. Applicable to Pharmaceutical companies. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
phone string | Phone number provided by a Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
pickup_options list<enum> | List of pickup options available at this Page's store location. Values can include |
place_type enum | For places, the category of the place. Value can be |
plot_outline string | The plot outline of the film. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
preferred_audience Targeting | Group of tags describing the preferred audienceof ads created for the Page |
press_contact string | Press contact information of the band. Applicable to Bands |
price_range string | Price range of the business, such as a restaurant or salon. Values can be one of |
privacy_info_url string | Privacy url in page info section |
produced_by string | The productor of the film. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
products string | The products of this company. Applicable to Companies |
promotion_eligible bool | Boosted posts eligibility status. Only visible to a page admin |
promotion_ineligible_reason string | Reason for which boosted posts are not eligible. Only visible to a page admin |
public_transit string | Public transit to the business. Applicable to Restaurants or Nightlife. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
rating_count unsigned int32 | Number of ratings for the Page (limited to ratings that are publicly accessible). Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
recipient numeric string | Messenger page scope id associated with page and a user using account_linking_token |
record_label string | Record label of the band. Applicable to Bands. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
release_date string | The film's release date. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
restaurant_services | Services the restaurant provides. Applicable to Restaurants |
restaurant_specialties | The restaurant's specialties. Applicable to Restaurants |
schedule string | The air schedule of the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
screenplay_by string | The screenwriter of the film. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
season string | The season information of the TV Show. Applicable to TV Shows. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
single_line_address string | The Page address, if any, in a simple single line format. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
starring string | The cast of the film. Applicable to Films. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
Information about when the entity represented by the Page was started | |
store_code string | Unique store code for this location Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
string | Location Page's store location descriptor |
store_number unsigned int32 | Unique store number for this location Page |
studio string | The studio for the film production. Applicable to Films |
supports_donate_button_in_live_video bool | Whether the user can add a Donate Button to their Live Videos. |
talking_about_count unsigned int32 | The number of people talking about this Page |
temporary_status enum | Indicates how the business corresponding to this Page is operating differently than usual. Possible values:
If set to |
unread_message_count unsigned int32 | Unread message count for the Page. Only visible to a page admin |
unread_notif_count unsigned int32 | Number of unread notifications. Only visible to a page admin |
unseen_message_count unsigned int32 | Unseen message count for the Page. Only visible to a page admin |
user_access_expire_time datetime | user_access_expire_time |
username string | The alias of the Page. For example, for the username is 'platform' |
string | Showing whether this Page is verified. Value can be |
voip_info | Voip info |
website string | The URL of the Page's website. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
were_here_count unsigned int32 | The number of visits to this Page's location. If the Page setting Show map, check-ins and star ratings on the Page (under Page Settings > Page Info > Address) is disabled, then this value will also be disabled. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
whatsapp_number string | The Page's WhatsApp number. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
written_by string | The writer of the TV show. Applicable to TV Shows. Can be read with Page Public Content Access or Page Public Metadata Access. |
Edge | Keterangan |
Edge<PagePostExperiment> | ab_tests |
Edge<PagePost> | The ad posts for this Page |
Edge<Business> | Businesses that have agency permissions on the Page |
Edge<Album> | Photo albums for this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<ArAdsDataContainer> | ar_experience |
Edge<AssignedUser> | Users assigned to this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<AudioCopyright> | The music copyrights owned by this page (using alacorn) |
Edge<Profile> | User or Page Profiles blocked from this Page |
Edge<BusinessProject> | Business projects |
Edge<PageCallToAction> | The call-to-action created by this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<CanvasBodyElement> | The canvas elements associated with this page |
Edge<Canvas> | The canvas documents associated with this page |
Edge<ChatPlugin> | customization configuration values of the Page's corresponding Chat Plugin |
Edge<CommerceOrder> | The commerce orders of this Page |
Edge<UnifiedThread> | This Page's conversations |
Edge<Page> | Pages that are allowed to crosspost |
Edge<CTXOptimizationEligibility> | ctx_optimization_eligibility |
Edge<PageUserMessageThreadLabel> | custom_labels |
Edge<CustomUserSettings> | Custom user settings for a page |
Edge<FantasyGame> | fantasy_games |
Edge<PagePost> | This Page's feed. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<Page> | Children Pages of a Global Pages root Page. Both default and root Page can return children Pages. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<ImageCopyright> | Image copyrights from this page |
Edge<InsightsResult> | This Page's Insights data |
Edge<InstagramUser> | Linked Instagram accounts for this Page |
Edge<LeadGenData> | A library of lead generation forms created for this page. |
Edge<Page> | The Pages that this Page has liked. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. For New Page Experience Pages, this field will return |
Edge<LiveVideo> | Live videos on this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<Page> | The location Pages that are children of this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. To manage a child Page's location use the |
Edge<MediaFingerprint> | Media fingerprints from this page |
Edge<MessagingFeatureReview> | Feature status of the page that has been granted through feature review that show up in the page settings |
Edge<MessengerCallSettings> | messenger_call_settings |
Edge<MessengerAdsPartialAutomatedStepList> | messenger_lead_forms |
Edge<MessengerProfile> | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
Edge<InstagramUser> | Gets the Page Backed Instagram Account (an InstagramUser) associated with this Page. |
Edge<Persona> | Messenger Platform Bot personas for the Page |
Edge<Photo> | This Page's Photos. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<ProfilePictureSource> | This Page's profile picture |
Edge<PagePost> | This Page's own Posts, a derivative of the |
Edge<ProductCatalog> | Product catalogs owned by this page |
Edge<PagePost> | All published posts by this page |
Edge<Recommendation> | Open Graph ratings given to this Page |
Edge<User> | The Page's Admins |
Edge<PagePost> | All posts that are scheduled to a future date by a page |
Edge<Application> | Secondary Receivers for a page |
Edge<PageSettings> | Controllable settings for this page |
Edge<CommerceMerchantSettingsSetupStatus> | Shows the shop setup status |
Edge<Application> | Applications that have real time update subscriptions for this Page. Note that we will only return information about the current app |
Edge<Tab> | This Page's tabs and the apps in them. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<PagePost> | The Photos, Videos, and Posts in which the Page has been tagged. A derivative of |
Edge<PageThreadOwner> | App which owns a thread for Handover Protocol |
Edge<UnifiedThread> | Deprecated. Use conversations instead |
Edge<VideoCopyrightRule> | Video copyright rules from this page |
Edge<VideoList> | Video Playlists for this Page |
Edge<Video> | Videos for this Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Edge<PagePost> | Shows all public Posts published by Page visitors on the Page. Can be read with Page Public Content Access. |
Kesalahan | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
80001 | There have been too many calls to this Page account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
102 | Session key invalid or no longer valid |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
80002 | There have been too many calls to this Instagram account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
459 | The session is invalid because the user has been checkpointed |
104 | Incorrect signature |
230 | Permissions disallow message to user |
This is only available to select developers. Please contact your Facebook Partner for more information.
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Keterangan |
metadata string | Additional information about the conversation |
recipient Object | The PSID for the customer who sent the message to your business Diperlukan |
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
551 | This person isn't available right now. |
100 | Invalid parameter |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
200 | Permissions error |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Keterangan |
name string | Name of a Persona Diperlukan |
profile_picture_url URI | Profile picture of a Persona Diperlukan |
: numeric string, Kesalahan | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
230 | Permissions disallow message to user |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Keterangan |
entry_point string | entry point of claiming BusinessClaimAssetEntryPoint |
page_id Page ID | Page ID. Diperlukan |
: string, Kesalahan | Description |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
200 | Permissions error |
413 | Invalid password |
3944 | Your Business Manager already has access to this object. |
3977 | To claim a Page in Business Manager, you must already be an Admin of the Page. |
100 | Invalid parameter |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
415 | Two factor authentication required. User have to enter a code from SMS or TOTP code generator to pass 2fac. This could happen when accessing a 2fac-protected asset like a page that is owned by a 2fac-protected business manager. |
3982 | You do not have sufficient permissions to import this asset into the given Business Manager. |
42001 | This Page can't be removed because it's already linked to an Instagram business profile. To remove this Page from Business Manager, go to Instagram and convert to a personal account or change the Page linked to your business profile. |
edge from the following paths: POST /v21.0/{page-id}/feed HTTP/1.1
/* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */
/* make the API call */
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->post(
array (
'message' => 'This is a test value',
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
"message": "This is a test value"
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("message", "This is a test value");
/* make the API call */
new GraphRequest(
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
/* handle the result */
NSDictionary *params = @{
@"message": @"This is a test value",
/* make the API call */
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc]
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error) {
// Handle the result
curl -X POST \
-F 'message="This is a test value"' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \{page-id}/feed
Parameter | Keterangan |
album_id numeric string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
android_key_hash string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
application_id non-empty string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
asked_fun_fact_prompt_id int64 | asked_fun_fact_prompt_id |
asset3d_id numeric string or integer | asset3d_id |
associated_id numeric string or integer | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
attach_place_suggestion boolean | Nilai default: false SELF_EXPLANATORY |
attached_media list<Object> | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
audience_exp boolean | Nilai default: false SELF_EXPLANATORY |
backdated_time datetime | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
backdated_time_granularity enum{year, month, day, hour, min, none} | Nilai default: none SELF_EXPLANATORY |
breaking_news boolean | breaking_news |
breaking_news_expiration int64 | breaking_news_expiration |
call_to_action Object | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
caption string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
child_attachments list<Object> | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
client_mutation_id string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
composer_entry_picker string | composer_entry_picker |
composer_entry_point string | composer_entry_point |
composer_entry_time int64 | composer_entry_time |
composer_session_events_log JSON-encoded string | composer_session_events_log |
composer_session_id string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
composer_source_surface string | composer_source_surface |
composer_type string | composer_type |
connection_class string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
content_attachment numeric string | content_attachment |
coordinates JSON-encoded coordinate list | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
cta_link string | cta_link |
cta_type string | cta_type |
description string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
direct_share_status int64 | direct_share_status |
enforce_link_ownership boolean | Nilai default: false SELF_EXPLANATORY |
expanded_height int64 | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
expanded_width int64 | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
feed_targeting feed target | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
formatting enum {PLAINTEXT, MARKDOWN} | formatting |
fun_fact_prompt_id numeric string or integer | fun_fact_prompt_id |
fun_fact_toastee_id int64 | fun_fact_toastee_id |
height int64 | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
home_checkin_city_id place tag | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
image_crops dictionary { enum{191x100, 100x72, 400x150, 600x360, 100x100, 400x500, 90x160} : <list<list<int64>>> } | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
implicit_with_tags list<int> | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
instant_game_entry_point_data string | instant_game_entry_point_data |
ios_bundle_id string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
is_backout_draft boolean | is_backout_draft |
is_boost_intended boolean | is_boost_intended |
is_explicit_location boolean | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
is_explicit_share boolean | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
is_group_linking_post boolean | is_group_linking_post |
is_photo_container boolean | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
location_source_id numeric string or integer | location_source_id |
manual_privacy boolean | Nilai default: false SELF_EXPLANATORY |
message UTF-8 string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
multi_share_end_card boolean | Nilai default: true SELF_EXPLANATORY |
multi_share_optimized boolean | Nilai default: true SELF_EXPLANATORY |
name string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
nectar_module string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
object_attachment numeric string or integer | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
og_action_type_id numeric string or integer | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
og_hide_object_attachment boolean | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
og_icon_id numeric string or integer | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
og_object_id OG object ID or URL string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
og_phrase UTF-8 string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
og_set_profile_badge boolean | Nilai default: false og_set_profile_badge |
og_suggestion_mechanism string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
page_recommendation JSON-encoded string | page_recommendation |
place place tag | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
place_attachment_setting enum {1, 2} | Nilai default: 2 place_attachment_setting |
place_list JSON-encoded string | place_list |
place_list_data array | place_list_data |
post_surfaces_blacklist list<enum {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}> | post_surfaces_blacklist |
posting_to_redspace enum {enabled, disabled} | Nilai default: disabled posting_to_redspace |
privacy Privacy Parameter | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
prompt_id string | prompt_id |
prompt_tracking_string string | prompt_tracking_string |
properties | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
proxied_app_id numeric string or integer | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
publish_event_id int64 | publish_event_id |
published boolean | Nilai default: true SELF_EXPLANATORY |
quote UTF-8 string | quote Mendukung Emoji |
ref list<string> | Nilai default: Default SELF_EXPLANATORY |
referenceable_image_ids list<numeric string or integer> | referenceable_image_ids |
referral_id numeric string or integer | referral_id |
scheduled_publish_time datetime | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
sponsor_id numeric string or integer | sponsor_id |
sponsor_relationship int64 | sponsor_relationship |
suggested_place_id place tag | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
tags list<int> | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
target_surface enum {STORY, TIMELINE} | Nilai default: "TIMELINE" target_surface |
targeting target | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
text_format_metadata JSON-encoded string | text_format_metadata |
text_format_preset_id numeric string or integer | text_format_preset_id |
text_only_place string | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
thumbnail file | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
time_since_original_post int64 | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
title UTF-8 string | SELF_EXPLANATORY Mendukung Emoji |
tracking_info JSON-encoded string | tracking_info |
user_selected_tags boolean | Nilai default: false SELF_EXPLANATORY |
video_start_time_ms int64 | video_start_time_ms |
viewer_coordinates JSON-encoded coordinate list | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
width int64 | SELF_EXPLANATORY |
in the return
: token with structure: Post ID, post_supports_client_mutation_id
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
200 | Permissions error |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
100 | Invalid parameter |
197 | The post is empty. Please enter a message to share. |
283 | That action requires the extended permission pages_read_engagement and/or pages_read_user_content and/or pages_manage_ads and/or pages_manage_metadata |
1500 | The url you supplied is invalid |
80001 | There have been too many calls to this Page account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Keterangan |
api_version enum {} | api_version |
custom_token string | An optional Wit token enable custom entities |
n_best int64 | The number of intents and traits to return, other than the best one. |
nlp_enabled boolean | A boolean to enable/disable Built-In NLP. |
other_language_support JSON object {string : JSON object} | A map of language to model type and Wit token for language identification. |
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
230 | Permissions disallow message to user |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Keterangan |
allow_organic_lead_retrieval boolean | Nilai default: true Previously, this flag controlled whether any leads submitted in a non-Ad context were retrievable. Now this flag will not be considered and it will be deprecated entirely. To control visibility of Lead Forms in a non-Ad context you should use 'block_display_for_non_targeted_viewer' |
block_display_for_non_targeted_viewer boolean | Whether to make the organic post invisible to viewers in non-Ad context |
context_card Object | Optional context card shown as the intro page Mendukung Emoji |
cover_photo file | Custom cover photo for context card |
custom_disclaimer Object | Customized disclaimer including title, body content with inline links, and consent checkboxes |
follow_up_action_url URI | The final destination URL that user will go to when clicking view website button |
is_for_canvas boolean | Nilai default: false Flag to indicate that the form is going to be used under a canvas |
is_optimized_for_quality boolean | Nilai default: false Flag to indicate whether the form will be optimized for quality |
locale enum {AR_AR, CS_CZ, DA_DK, DE_DE, EL_GR, EN_GB, EN_US, ES_ES, ES_LA, FI_FI, FR_FR, HE_IL, HI_IN, HU_HU, ID_ID, IT_IT, JA_JP, KO_KR, NB_NO, NL_NL, PL_PL, PT_BR, PT_PT, RO_RO, RU_RU, SV_SE, TH_TH, TR_TR, VI_VN, ZH_CN, ZH_HK, ZH_TW} | The locale of the form. Pre-defined questions renders in this locale |
name string | The name that will help identity the form Diperlukan |
privacy_policy Object | The url and link_text of the privacy policy of advertiser. link_text is limited to a maximum of 70 characters. |
question_page_custom_headline string | The custom headline for the question page within the form |
questions list<Object> | An array of questions of the form Diperlukan |
thank_you_page Object | Optional customized thank you page displayed post submission |
tracking_parameters JSON object {string : string} | Map for additional tracking parameters to include with the form's field data |
upload_gated_file file | When using Meta's marketing API to create a lead ad, you can use this field to create a gated content thank you page. This field would be the file that you'd like to use as the gated file, and the thank you page button type should be VIEW_ON_FACEBOOK |
in the return
: numeric string, Kesalahan | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
192 | Invalid phone number |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
200 | Permissions error |
104 | Incorrect signature |
102 | Session key invalid or no longer valid |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Keterangan |
account_id int64 | ID of the account |
block_send_api boolean | Whether to block messages sent using Send API while user is in Lead Gen Experience |
handover_app_id int64 | Hand over thread to specified app after leadgen is complete |
handover_summary boolean | Opt-in to get a summary message sent to the target HOP app at the end of the automated flow |
privacy_url URI | Privacy URL for Messenger Lead Gen Experience |
reminder_text string | Reminder text that will be sent to user after inactivity |
step_list array<JSON object> | List of steps in Messenger Lead Gen Experience Diperlukan |
stop_question_message string | Confirmation message after user clicks on the Stop Question option in persistent menu |
template_name string | Name for the form |
tracking_parameters JSON object {string : string} | Tracking Parameters of Lead Forms |
in the return
: numeric string, Kesalahan | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
edge from the following paths: POST /v21.0/{page-id}/subscribed_apps HTTP/1.1
/* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */
/* make the API call */
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->post(
array (
'subscribed_fields' => 'leadgen',
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
"subscribed_fields": "leadgen"
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("subscribed_fields", "leadgen");
/* make the API call */
new GraphRequest(
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
/* handle the result */
NSDictionary *params = @{
@"subscribed_fields": @"leadgen",
/* make the API call */
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc]
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error) {
// Handle the result
curl -X POST \
-F 'subscribed_fields="leadgen"' \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \{page-id}/subscribed_apps
Parameter | Keterangan |
array<enum {feed, mention, name, picture, category, description, conversations, feature_access_list, inbox_labels, standby, message_mention, messages, message_reactions, messaging_account_linking, messaging_checkout_updates, messaging_customer_information, message_echoes, message_edits, message_deliveries, message_context, messaging_game_plays, messaging_optins, messaging_optouts, messaging_payments, messaging_postbacks, messaging_pre_checkouts, message_reads, messaging_referrals, messaging_handovers, messaging_policy_enforcement, messaging_appointments, messaging_direct_sends, messaging_fblogin_account_linking, user_action, messaging_feedback, send_cart, group_feed, calls, call_permission_reply, response_feedback, messaging_integrity, messaging_in_thread_lead_form_submit, message_template_status_update, founded, company_overview, mission, products, general_info, leadgen, leadgen_fat, location, hours, parking, public_transit, page_about_story, mcom_invoice_change, invoice_access_invoice_change, invoice_access_invoice_draft_change, invoice_access_onboarding_status_active, invoice_access_bank_slip_events, local_delivery, phone, email, website, ratings, attire, payment_options, culinary_team, general_manager, price_range, awards, hometown, current_location, bio, affiliation, birthday, personal_info, personal_interests, members, checkins, page_upcoming_change, page_change_proposal, merchant_review, product_review, videos, live_videos, video_text_question_responses, registration, payment_request_update, publisher_subscriptions, invalid_topic_placeholder}> | Page Webhooks fields that you want to subscribe Diperlukan |
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
200 | Permissions error |
100 | Invalid parameter |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
210 | User not visible |
80001 | There have been too many calls to this Page account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
104 | Incorrect signature |
102 | Session key invalid or no longer valid |
.Parameter | Keterangan |
about UTF-8 string | Update the Mendukung Emoji |
accept_crossposting_handshake array<JSON object> | Accepts a pending crossposting request initiated by another Page |
allow_spherical_photo boolean | Nilai default: false Indicates that we should allow this photo to be treated as a spherical photo. This param will only be used when uploading a new image file. This will not change the behavior unless the server is able to interpret the photo as spherical, such as via Photosphere XMP metadata. Regular non-spherical photos will still be treated as regular photos even if this parameter is true. |
enum{Tidak ditentukan, Kasual, Berdandan} | Update the |
begin_crossposting_handshake array<JSON object> | Begins the video crossposting handshake with another page |
bio string | Update the |
category_list list<numeric string> | Update the |
company_overview string | Update the |
Object | Update the |
cover numeric string or integer | Update the |
string | Update the |
delivery_and_pickup_option_info array<string> | delivery_and_pickup_option_info. Each String represent the url link to a delivery and pick up option webpage. The API filters out duplicated urls as well as invalidated urls. If empty array is input, |
description string | Update the |
differently_open_offerings JSON object {enum {ONLINE_SERVICES, DELIVERY, PICKUP, OTHER} : boolean} | Indication of services currently offered by this business. Specify "true" for all that apply. Intended to be used when Note to restaurants: See |
string | Update the |
string | Page estimated message response time displayed to user |
list<string> | Update the |
focus_x float | Cover photo focus x |
focus_y float | Cover photo focus y |
list<enum{Masakan Afghanistan, Makanan Amerika(baru), Makanan Amerika (Tradisional), Fusion Asia, Barbeku, Makanan Brasil, Sarapan, Inggris, Brunch, Prasmanan, Burger, Makanan Myanmar, Cajun/Creole, Karibia, China, Crepes, Makanan Kuba, Deli, Makan Malam, Makanan Ethiopia, Cepat Saji, Makanan Filipina, Fondue, Gerai Makanan, Masakan Perancis, Masakan Jerman, Yunani dan Laut Tengah, Hawaii, Himalaya/Nepal, Hot Dog, India/Pakistan, Makanan Irlandia, Italia, Jepang, Korea, Masakan Amerika Latin, Makanan Meksiko, Makanan Timur Tengah, Makanan Maroko, Pizza, Rusia, Roti lapis, Laut, Makanan Singapura, Makanan Jiwa, Selatan, Makanan Spanyol/Basque, Rumah Steak, Bar Sushi, Taiwan, Bar Tapas, Texas-Meksiko, Thai, Makanan Turki, Vegetarian, Vietnam}> | Update the |
general_info string | Update the |
string | Update the |
string | Update the |
hours dictionary { string : <> } | Update the |
ignore_coordinate_warnings boolean | Ignore coordinate warnings when updating this Page's location |
string | Update the |
boolean | Is this location always open? |
is_permanently_closed boolean | Update the |
boolean | Update the |
boolean | Is the application subscribed for real time updates from this page? |
location Object | Update the |
mission string | Update the |
no_feed_story boolean | Nilai default: false Don't generate a feed story for the cover photo |
no_notification boolean | Nilai default: false Don't generate a notification for the cover photo |
offset_x integer | Nilai default: 50 Cover photo offset x |
offset_y integer | Nilai default: 50 Cover photo offset y |
parking dictionary { enum{street, lot, valet} : <boolean> } | Update the |
dictionary { enum{visa, amex, mastercard, discover, cash_only} : <boolean> } | Update the |
phone string | Update the |
pickup_options array<enum {CURBSIDE, IN_STORE, OTHER}> | List of pickup option types available at this Page's business location |
string | Update the |
string | Update the |
string | Update the |
dictionary { enum{reserve, walkins, groups, kids, takeout, delivery, catering, waiter, outdoor} : <boolean> } | Update the |
dictionary { enum{breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, drinks} : <boolean> } | Update the |
scrape boolean | Re-scrape the website associated with this Page |
spherical_metadata JSON object | A set of params describing an uploaded spherical photo. This param will only be used when uploading a new image file. This field is not required; if it is not present we will try to generate spherical metadata from the metadata embedded in the image. If it is present, it takes precedence over any embedded metadata. Please click to the left to expand this list and see more information on each parameter. See also the Google Photo Sphere spec for more info on the meaning of the params: |
Object | Update the |
string | Update the |
website URL | Update the |
zoom_scale_x float | Cover photo zoom scale x |
zoom_scale_y float | Cover photo zoom scale y |
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
80001 | There have been too many calls to this Page account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
371 | Invalid Page location update |
210 | User not visible |
375 | This Page doesn't have a location descriptor. Add one to continue. |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
283 | That action requires the extended permission pages_read_engagement and/or pages_read_user_content and/or pages_manage_ads and/or pages_manage_metadata |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
320 | Photo edit failure |
.Parameter | Keterangan |
user UID | Business user id or system user id Diperlukan |
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
.Parameter | Keterangan |
verification_code string | The verification code which was sent to the WhatsApp number. |
whatsapp_number string | The WhatsApp number to be verified. Diperlukan |
: string, verification_status
: enum, whatsapp_number_type
: int32, whatsapp_display_number
: string, Kesalahan | Description |
200 | Permissions error |
283 | That action requires the extended permission pages_read_engagement and/or pages_read_user_content and/or pages_manage_ads and/or pages_manage_metadata |
100 | Invalid parameter |
This is only available to select developers. Please contact your Facebook Partner for more information.
.Parameter | Keterangan |
user UID | Business scoped user id Diperlukan |
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
.Parameter | Keterangan |
location_page_ids array<numeric string> | Array of Page IDs for the pages to delete Diperlukan |
store_numbers array<int64> | Array of Store numbers for the pages to delete Diperlukan |
: bool, data
: List [child_id
: string, success
: bool, Kesalahan | Description |
371 | Invalid Page location update |
100 | Invalid parameter |