Represents a location.
Get information about a location.
The Page Public Content Access feature is required to scrape the LocationNode data of public pages.
curl -i -X GET \ "{graph-api-version}/{location-id}&access_token={user-access-token}"
{ "name": "{city}, {state}", "id": "{location-id}" }
The user_location
permission is required.
curl -i -X GET \ "{graph-api-version}/{user-id}? fields=location{location{city,state,region_id}}&access_token={user-access-token}"
{ "location": { "location": { "city": "San Jose", "state": "CA", "region_id": 3847 }, "id": "111948542155151" //location-id }, "id": "{user-id}" }
The manage_pages
permission is required.
curl -i -X GET \ "{graph-api-version}/{page-id}?fields=location&access_token={page-access-token}"
{ "location": { "city": "Menlo Park", "country": "United States", "latitude": 37.4786342, "located_in": "166793820034304", "longitude": -122.163581, "state": "CA", "street": "1 Hacker Way", "zip": "94025" }, "id": "{page-id}" }
GET v22.0/...?fields={fieldname_of_type_Location} HTTP/1.1
/* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */
/* make the API call */
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->get(
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
new GraphRequest(
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc]
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error) {
// Handle the result
Field | Description |
city string | City |
city_id unsigned int32 | City ID. Any city identified is also a city you can use for targeting ads. |
country string | Country |
country_code string | Country code |
latitude float | Latitude |
located_in id | The parent location if this location is located within another location |
longitude float | Longitude |
name string | Name |
region string | Region |
region_id unsigned int32 | Region ID. Specifies a geographic region, such as California. An identified region is the same as one you can use to target ads. |
state string | State |
street string | Street |
zip string | Zip code |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Description |
boolean | Indicates whether this location is always open |
delivery_and_pickup_option_info array<string> | Specify upto 3 delivery/pickup URLs |
differently_open_offerings JSON object {enum {ONLINE_SERVICES, DELIVERY, PICKUP, OTHER} : boolean} | A mapping of potential business offerings to true / false. Intended to be used / displayed when temporary_status = "differently_open" in order to express that the business is still operating in this capacity, such as a restaurant offering takeout. |
hours dictionary { string : <> } | Hours for this store. Please see the format for hours in our page documentation for examples |
ignore_warnings boolean | Whether to disable any warnings (not errors) that result from this API call, such as |
location Object | This defines the location for this page. This is required if the Page referenced by the |
location_page_id numeric string | The ID of the Facebook Page you would like to add or update as a location |
old_store_number int64 | Old store number. Used when you want to change the store number for a location |
page_username string | Vanity URL for this location. This has to be an unused vanity URL. You should check by querying |
permanently_closed boolean | Is this location permanently closed? |
phone string | Phone number for this location. This is required if the Page referenced by the |
pickup_options array<enum {CURBSIDE, IN_STORE, OTHER}> | List of pickup options available at this Page's store location |
place_topics list<numeric string> | Place topics for this location. This is required if the Page referenced by the |
string | Price range of the business, such as a restaurant or salon. Values can be one of |
store_code string | The store code. An arbitrary, alphanumeric, developer-defined ID for this location, usually used to link back to an internal database of locations |
store_location_descriptor string | Location descriptor for this store. This will appear after the Page name and should only be used if the location has a special location that's not clear from its city or street address. e.g. if it's inside a shopping mall or if it's best identified by its neighborhood |
store_name string | The store name |
store_number int64 | An arbitrary, developer-defined ID for this location, usually used to link back to an internal database of locations Required |
temporary_status enum {DIFFERENTLY_OPEN, TEMPORARILY_CLOSED, OPERATING_AS_USUAL, NO_DATA} | Indicates whether the business corresponding to this Page is temporarily closed or operating in a different-than-usual capacity |
URI | The URL of the location's website |
in the return
: numeric string, Error | Description |
371 | Invalid Page location update |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
160 | Invalid geolocation type |
194 | Missing at least one required parameter |
102 | Session key invalid or no longer valid |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
80001 | There have been too many calls to this Page account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |