Version 18.0

Graph API

Released September 12, 2023 | Available until January 26, 2026 | Blog Post

Instagram Graph API

Deprecation of Media and User Insights

Applies to v18.0+. Will apply to all versions on December 11, 2023.

Duplicative and legacy Instagram insight metrics are being deprecated. Please see documentation for the endpoints and Instagram Insights for more information on which metrics to use in their place.

The following endpoints and metrics are affected:

  • GET /{ig-user-id}/insights
  • GET /{ig-media-id}/insights
    • EXITS

Note: total_interactions, which is listed as an alternative for some of the deprecated metrics, is currently only available using version 18.0 and does not work with older versions. When querying older versions before Dec 11, 2023, please use the engagement metric.total_interactions, which is listed as an alternative for some of the deprecated metrics, is currently only available using version 18.0 and does not work with older versions. When querying older versions before Dec 11, 2023, please use the engagement metric.

Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events are deprecated and will be removed December 31, 2023.


See the WhatsApp Business Platform changelog.

Marketing API

Released September 12, 2023 | Available until August 13, 2024 | Blog Post

Catalog API

Credit Cards

Applies to v18.0+.

The {ad-account-id}/credit_cards endpoint is no longer supported.

Reach and Frequency

Reach and Frequency Campaigns

Applies to v18.0+.


  • Target frequency can now be used for REACH and VIDEO_VIEWS objectives in reach and frequency campaigns.
  • The objective parameter will no longer accept TRAFFIC unless the rf_prediction_id_to_share parameter is set to a valid prediction ID.


  • Reach and frequency campaigns can now use the REACH optimization.
  • The optimization_goal parameter will no longer accept POST_ENGAGEMENT or LINK_CLICKS unless the rf_prediction_id_to_share parameter is set to a valid prediction ID.
  • The frequency_cap parameter will no longer accept any value greater than 0 if the optimization_goal parameter is set to AD_RECALL_LIFT. AD_RECALL_LIFT predictions will be generated without applying any frequency cap.

The following endpoints are affected:


Location Targeting

Applies to v18.0+. Will apply to all versions December 11, 2023.

When no location_types is sent in the API call, it will default to ['home', 'recent'].

The following endpoints are affected:

Location Targeting Deprecation

Applies to v18.0+.

All options other than ['home','recent'] will be deprecated for location_types. Trying to use any options other than ['home', 'recent'] will result in an error.

The following endpoints are affected: