Plan for Fundraiser API

The Fundraiser API allows a fundraising website to integrate with Facebook to extend the effectiveness, reach and visibility of their campaigns. Campaigns on the fundraising website can be mirrored on Facebook allowing people to raise money on their Facebook fundraiser, while keeping donation information in sync between the mirrored campaigns.

When you understand how the Fundraiser API can fit into your existing site, you can find the integration details here:

Getting Started

Preparing to Integrate


All charitable fundraising platforms that utilize the Fundraiser API must provide the option for people creating a fundraiser for a nonprofit to share their contact information (name and email address, at a minimum) with the nonprofit beneficiary of the fundraiser. This is a mandatory requirement.

Prepare Nonprofit Pages

Ensure each nonprofit Facebook page can collect donations by applying here.

Prepare Apps

Choose or make a production app and dev app. If your site already has Facebook Login, we recommend using that app as your production app so that people only need to log in to Facebook once. If you need help finding your app ID or gaining access to your app, follow these instructions. We also recommend that you add the apps to your business by following these instructions.

The Fundraiser API works by granting apps the manage_fundraisers permission. To submit for Fundraiser API access, go to the app dashboard, select your app, add the Fundraisers product, click Set Up and follow the instructions.

Site Planning

Once you have access to the Fundraiser API and at least one app configured to manage nonprofit pages, you can start using the API to create and manage fundraisers. Although integrations may vary, we recommend handling the following flows at a minimum.

Each call to the Fundraiser API requires using either a user access token or app access token. We include recommendations of which type of token to use for each call below.

If you’re new to using Facebook’s Graph API, we recommend reading up on how it works and using the recommended tools in our appendix.


These are recommendations of where the Fundraiser API typically fits into fundraising flows. Each recommended event is indicated by a bullet point, and some flows have sub-flows indicated by indented bullets.

Additionally, anywhere we recommend logging an AppEvent, any event analytics logging can be used. We recommend using Facebook Analytics AppEvents due to the fact that FB Login is already integrated, the number of unique users, in addition to total events, are counted, and conversion funnels are easy to configure.

Fundraising Page Created / Registration Complete

Upon completion of the last step of the registration flow that creates a fundraising page

  • Log AppEvent: “Registration Complete”
  • Show post-registration dialog
  • Log AppEvent: “Post-Reg Dialog Shown”
  • If “Connect with Facebook” button is clicked
  • If “Later” button is clicked
    • Log AppEvent: “Post-Reg Dialog Dismissed”

Fundraising Dashboard / Participant Center Visited

When a person visits their fundraising dashboard or participant center

  • Show dashboard widget
  • Log AppEvent: “Dashboard Widget Shown”
  • If “Connect with Facebook” button is clicked

Fundraising Page Edited

When a person makes an edit to their external fundraising page

Note: Editing the goal amount and end time are expected to update the Facebook fundraiser. Edits to title and description are typically best not to update unless the creator performs them during the creation flow but after creating the Facebook Fundraiser.

Fundraising Page Stops Accepting Donations

When the external fundraising page stops accepting donations before the end date

Note: Facebook fundraisers can be ended or deleted. The Facebook fundraisers end after the end time provided when creating or updating the fundraiser and can no longer accept donations but can still be accessed on Facebook. Deleted fundraisers are permanently deleted and can no longer accept donations or be accessed on Facebook. Deleting a fundraiser must be performed by the user on Facebook.

  • If the fundraiser ends normally
    • The Facebook Fundraiser will end automatically after the end time provided when creating or updating the fundraiser
  • If the fundraiser needs to be ended before the end date

External Donation Received

When a donation received off Facebook is added to the fundraising page total or thermometer

Note: Due to how external donations are processed on Facebook, posting and deleting external donations to the same fundraiser should be separated by at least 3 seconds. This case typically only occurs when connecting a fundraising page with existing donations and refunds that are attempted to be added and deleted as a batch job.

External Donation Refunded

When a donation received off Facebook is refunded

Note: Due to how external donations are processed on Facebook, posting and deleting external donations to the same fundraiser should be separated by at least 3 seconds. This case typically only occurs when connecting a fundraising page with existing donations and refunds that are attempted to be added and deleted as a batch job.

Facebook Donation Received

  • When a person donates to synced Facebook fundraiser*

Note: The names of Facebook donors aren’t included in the webhook and shouldn’t be shown on an external honor roll to respect the donor’s privacy. If the fundraising page has an honor roll, we recommend adding a persistent top row called “Facebook Donors” upon receiving the first Facebook donation, which reflects the total amount raised on Facebook and links to the Facebook Fundraiser at

  • Receive a webhook by subscribing to the Application’s fundraiser_donations field
  • Update the thermometer on the fundraising page
  • If the fundraising page has an honor roll
    • Add or update the amount reflected in the Facebook Donors row

Testing Note: To protect donor privacy, fundraiser_donations webhooks are only sent to apps in live mode. More information on the difference between live and development mode apps can be found in our FAQ. As such, webhooks should be tested in two steps:

  1. Keep the app in development mode and click the “Test” button to receive a test payload webhook. Verify the server receives the webhook and attempts to process it correctly.
  2. Create a fundraiser while the app is in development mode, to prevent the fundraiser from being public. After creating the fundraiser, switch the app to live mode to begin receiving webhooks in real-time. Make a donation to the Facebook fundraiser and ensure the server processes the webhook correctly.

App Deauthorized

When a person deauthorizes the Facebook app

  • Receive a webhook with status disconnected by subscribing to the Permission’s connected field
  • Change the dashboard widget back to the original “Connect Fundraiser to Facebook” widget

App Reauthorized [Optional]

When a person reauthorizes the Facebook app

  • Receive a webhook with status connected by subscribing to the Permission’s connected field
  • Make a GET call to the previously created Facebook fundraiser using the API with the user token to see if it still exists
  • If it still exists

Unhandled Flows

These flows not currently handled by Facebook, so workarounds are provided.

Facebook Fundraiser Updated

When a person updates their fundraiser on Facebook

  • Currently there is no notification or webhook event sent when a person updates their fundraiser on Facebook.

Facebook Fundraiser Ended

When a person ends their fundraiser on Facebook

  • Currently there is no notification or webhook event sent when a person ends their fundraiser on Facebook.

Facebook Fundraiser Deleted

When a person deletes their fundraiser on Facebook

  • If you receive a GraphMethodException with a message like “Unsupported post request. Object with ID 'fundraiser_id' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions…”
    • Check the Graph API call to make sure it’s not a coding error
    • If the call is correct, it’s likely that the user deleted the fundraiser on Facebook
    • Change the dashboard widget back to the original “Connect Fundraiser to Facebook” widget

Facebook Donation Refunded

When a donation is refunded on Facebook

  • Currently, when a donation is refunded, the fundraiser on Facebook won't reflect the refund and the total amount raised will stay the same. No webhook event will be sent to notify you of the refund.


We recommend implementing Facebook Analytics AppEvents to track conversion rates over time and for A/B tests.


More information about testing Fundraiser API integrations can be found in our FAQ.


Refunds appear in transaction reports, but are not reflected on the Facebook fundraising page or sent via webhook. More information about how refunds are handled can be found in our FAQ.

Transaction Reports

Admins can download transaction reports from the organization's page. You can find more information here.

Known Issues

Test Users Not Supported

Calls to the Fundraiser API with a test user token, will return an error. Make sure to use an actual user to test the integration.

Test Donations Not Supported

There’s no way to test the Facebook Donation Received flow without making an actual donation. We recommend testing using the minimum donation amount then and requesting a refund here.

Unhandled Flows

The Fundraiser API is in beta, and we do not yet handle the uncommon Facebook Fundraiser Updated, Facebook Fundraiser Ended, or Facebook Fundraiser Deleted flows well, but plan to add support soon.

Non-Atomic External App Donations

If external donations to the same fundraiser are posted and deleted in quick succession (less than 3 seconds apart), the external amount reflected on the Facebook fundraiser may become out of sync. Calls to POST and DELETE external donations on the same fundraiser should be separated by at least 3 seconds. This case typically only occurs when connecting a fundraising page with existing donations and refunds that are attempted to be added and deleted as a batch job.

Bug Reports

If you find any issues with this documentation or the Fundraiser API, you can submit bug reports here, and we will attempt to help resolve the issue.

Feature Requests

If you have feature requests, we suggest you submit them here. It’s useful for us to hear which features are frequently requested.


Useful References

Get Nonprofit or Donations Help

Nonprofit / Charity Support Form:

Create a Business Manager on Facebook

Follow these instructions.

Add App to a Business

Follow these instructions.

Regain Lost App Admin Access

If at all possible, contact a current app admin to be added as an admin of the app. If you've exhausted all other methods to contact current app admins in order to regain app admin access, please follow the steps below to reach out to Facebook support. Once you've submitted the additional documentation, this process may take up to a week for you to get a response. You must use your real Facebook account


If you've lost access to your app, you will need to fill out this form To help fill out this form, follow the steps below:

  1. Become Admin of Your Page
  2. Create a Business Manager Account
  3. Create a Developers Account
  4. Complete Lost App Access Form

Become Admin of Your Page

If you're not already an admin of your page, you'll need to ask a current admin to add your Facebook account as an admin before continuing. Facebook we will not accept fake accounts to be added as admins. Keep in mind any account created just for the purpose of admining this account will be rejected. You must use your real Facebook account.

Create a Business Manager Account

Creating a Business Manager account enables you to receive support for any issues you might experience with your page. Your page needs a business manager account in order to see the “Lost App Access” form linked below. If you don't already have an existing Business Manager account, follow the steps below.

  1. From a user with admin access to their page, go to If you're already part of a different business, you can create a business account for your nonprofit here:
  2. Create Account > Enter Business name, Admin's name, email
  3. Add Page > Add Page
  4. Search for page or paste page's url
  5. Add Page (Page admins will be approved automatically)

Create a Developers Account

  1. Go to
  2. Click Get Started in upper right > Next
  3. Enter phone > Send as Text > Enter confirmation code
  4. Confirm contact email > Next (don't worry about what the App Name is)
  5. Select Developer or appropriate role > Add Your First Product

Complete Lost App Access Form

  1. Complete the “My business has lost access to our app” form here: If you can't see this page, make sure you've completed the Create a Business Manager Account step above.
  2. All fields are mandatory since Facebook takes proper app ownership seriously.
  3. You can find Business ID by looking in the address bar after going to
  4. You can enter “Not sure” for current admin and current admin's original relationship to app.
  5. Uploading government-issued ID is mandatory.
  6. Uploading a notarized document to support the change in business relationship is mandatory.
  7. For instance a notarized letter explaining that you hired an external developer to integrate your app with Facebook and no longer have the contact information of that app developer.