General FBE iFrame Guidelines

Partner Developer Guideliens

To enable a more seamless user experience within Business Apps and better support the creation of new accounts on your platform, we recommend that you enable your authentication URL to load in an iframe on a Facebook surface. Follow the guidelines below to ensure that your iframe is set up correctly.

Requirements for Rendering Third-Party Auth Window in iframe

HTTP Response Headers

To ensure that FBE partner authentication pages can be properly rendered in an iframe on the Facebook surface, please implement the following HTTP response headers:

  • Allow Facebook to render your page in an iframe:
    • Add/modify the Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header to include "frame-ancestors 'self' * *;"
  • Prevent browsers from blocking iframe rendering of your page:
    • Remove X-Frame-Options HTTP response header with value of DENY directive
  • Enable sending cookies for requests initiated in iframed resources:
    • Modify Set-Cookie HTTP response header to include “SameSite=None;Secure”
      • Requests must be made via HTTPS protocol
      • Note: Standards related to the Cookie SameSite attribute recently (2021) changed. See here for more.

Design Requirements

  • Third party partner authentication pages will be rendered at 808px by 603px. Pages should be mobile-friendly to correctly render the pages
  • Disable < input > auto-focus. Most modern browser windows will block autofocusing in cross-origin subframes (and display errors to that effect.)

Post Messages

We will require communication between the FBE partner authentication page rendered in an iframe and the Facebook surface via the window.parent.postMessage() API for certain events in order to provide the best user experience.

Security Requirements

Due to the inherent security vulnerabilities of cross-origin communication, we will enforce the following web security standards for postMessage communication:

  • For postMessages, these must specify targetOrigin (second param)
    • Use document.referrer; ensure document.referrer matches the following regex:
  • Otherwise, postMessage data could be intercepted by unintended third parties.

The postMessage data should be a JSON block with event and payload keys. The required events to communicate are summarized below:




JSON object

Contains further keys as specified based on event type. See table below.




Denotes the advertiser’s position in the integration flow. Have a look at the table below for a list of events for Zapier to emit.



  event: “auth_page_loaded”,
  payload: null

The authentication page was successfully rendered to the user.

  event: “sso_signin_started”,
  payload: null

User initiates the sign in / account creation flow with an SSO service (for example, Google account, FB Login).

  event: “sso_signin_completed”,
  payload: null


User successfully signs in with an SSO service (for example, Google account, FB Login).

  event: “existing_user_signin_started”,
  payload: null

User initiates the sign in flow with their non SSO credentials.

  event: “existing_user_signin_completed”,
  payload: null

User successfully signs in with their non SSO credentials.

  event: “new_user_account_creation_started”,
  payload: null

User initiates the process to create a new account.

  event: “new_user_account_creation_completed”,
 payload: null

User successfully creates a new account.

  event: “new_user_account_post_creation_setup”,
  payload: null

User is redirected to the third-party surface to complete account configuration after a basic account is created.

This is the likely user journey in cases where a new user account will require additional setup to be viable for FBE (for example, Commerce Onboarding requires a third-party user account to have inventory).


  event: “fbe_onboarding_started”,
  payload: null


If using Business Login - the FBE flow is invoked.

  event: “fbe_onboarding_completed”,
  payload: null


If using Business Login - the FBE flow successfully returns an access token back to the app.

  event: “send_fbe_uri_extras”,
  payload: {
    uri_extras: “{‘setup’:{‘external_business...”

After existing user authentication or new user creation, partner sends encoded extras with business_config and setup defined.


  event: “partner_landing_page_loaded”,
  payload: null

The main post-authentication landing page is successfully rendered to the user.

  event: “template_selected”,
  payload: null

For Creative: a user selects a creative template.

For Data integration: the user selects a data feed template.

  event: “platform_authorized”,
  payload: null

For Data integration: when the user successfully authenticates the platform they intend to integrate with Facebook.

  event: “template_created”,
  payload: null

For Creative and Data integration: The user successfully creates a creative / data feed using a template.

  event: “task_completed”,
 payload: null

For Creative: the user downloads the creative / successfully uploads it to Facebook.

For Data integration: the user enables the feed.

Error Reporting

  type: “platform_error”,
  payload: {
    error_message: “descriptive error message”,
external_business_id : “business123456”

Any error that happens along the user journey on third party site.