在 Unity 应用中添加激励视频广告

使用 Audience Network,您的 Android 和 iOS 应用可以通过展示 Facebook 广告实现创收。激励视频广告是一种全屏体验,用户可选择观看视频广告以换取有价物,例如虚拟货币、应用内物品和独家内容等等。此广告体验是一段短片,且广告的结束画面会显示行动号召。用户完整观看视频后,您将收到一个回调,以向用户发放建议的奖励。

请确保先阅读 Audience Network 入门指南Unity 入门指南,然后再继续操作。


第 1 步:初始化激励视频广告

第 2 步:添加回调事件

第 3 步:加载广告

第 4 步:显示广告

第 1 步:初始化激励视频广告

显示激励视频广告的第一步是在 C# 脚本中创建一个 RewardedVideoAd 对象,并附加到 GameObject

using AudienceNetwork;

public class RewardedVideoAdTest : MonoBehaviour
    public void LoadRewardedVideo()
        // Create the rewarded video unit with a placement ID (generate your own on the Facebook app settings).
        // Use different ID for each ad placement in your app.
        this.rewardedVideoAd = new RewardedVideoAd("YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID");


        // Set delegates to get notified on changes or when the user interacts with the ad.
        this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidLoad = (delegate() {
            Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad loaded.");
            this.isLoaded = true;
        this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidFailWithError = (delegate(string error) {
            Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad failed to load with error: " + error);
        this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdWillLogImpression = (delegate() {
            Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad logged impression.");
        this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClick = (delegate() {
            Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad clicked.");

        this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClose = (delegate() {
            Debug.Log("Rewarded video ad did close.");
            if (this.rewardedVideoAd != null) {

        // Initiate the request to load the ad.

RewardedVideoAd 的构造函数有以下参数:

  • placementId - 这个激励视频广告单元的 Audience Network 版位编号。

第 2 步:添加回调事件


// Set delegates to get notified on changes or when the user interacts with the ad.
this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidLoad = (delegate() {
    Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad loaded.");
    this.isLoaded = true;
this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidFailWithError = (delegate(string error) {
    Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad failed to load with error: " + error);
this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdWillLogImpression = (delegate() {
    Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad logged impression.");
this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClick = (delegate() {
    Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad clicked.");

this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClose = (delegate() {
    Debug.Log("Rewarded video ad did close.");
    if (this.rewardedVideoAd != null) {

Unity Android 中的已终止广告活动回调

相关内容只适用于 Android。

目前,Unity Android 游戏只支持主要的 Unity Activity 拥有 singleTasklaunchMode。请参阅 Unity Android 清单文档Android 活动文档

由于我们使用 Activity 来显示 InterstitialRewarded Video 广告,如果用户在后台运行应用,然后使用图标(而非应用切换器)重新启动此应用,则广告活动可能会在没有正确关闭的情况下遭到终止。您可以使用下列回调,检查用户是否关闭了广告:


this.interstitialAd.interstitialAdDidClose = (delegate() { Debug.Log("Interstitial ad did close."); this.didClose = true; if (this.interstitialAd != null) { this.interstitialAd.Dispose(); } }); #if UNITY_ANDROID /* * Only relevant to Android. * This callback will only be triggered if the Interstitial activity has * been destroyed without being properly closed.This can happen if an * app with launchMode:singleTask (such as a Unity game) goes to * background and is then relaunched by tapping the icon. */ this.interstitialAd.interstitialAdActivityDestroyed = (delegate() { if (!this.didClose) { Debug.Log("Interstitial activity destroyed without being closed first."); Debug.Log("Game should resume."); } }); #endif 


this.rewardedVideoAd.rewardedVideoAdDidClose = (delegate() { Debug.Log("Rewarded video ad did close."); this.didClose = true; if (this.rewardedVideoAd != null) { this.rewardedVideoAd.Dispose(); } }); #if UNITY_ANDROID /* * Only relevant to Android. * This callback will only be triggered if the Rewarded Video activity * has been destroyed without being properly closed.This can happen if * an app with launchMode:singleTask (such as a Unity game) goes to * background and is then relaunched by tapping the icon. */ this.rewardedVideoAd.rewardedVideoAdActivityDestroyed = (delegate() { if (!this.didClose) { Debug.Log("Rewarded video activity destroyed without being closed first."); Debug.Log("Game should resume. User should not get a reward."); } }); #endif 

第 3 步:加载广告

在对 RewardedVideoAd 进行实例化之后,下一步骤就是加载广告。此操作需要通过调用 loadAd 方法来完成。



第 4 步:显示广告

最后,广告加载完成后,您可以调用 Show 方法将激励视频广告呈现在屏幕上。例如,您可以为 ShowRewardedVideo 创建一个函数,并在显示广告时调用该函数:

public void ShowRewardedVideo()
    if (this.isLoaded) {
        this.isLoaded = false;
    } else {
        Debug.Log("Ad not loaded. Click load to request an ad.");


这是可选项!您无需执行服务器端奖励验证即可使用奖励式视频广告。只有在您为了提高安全性,决定在自己的服务器上添加验证步骤,从而通过自己的服务器来验证奖励时才需要这么做。请向 Facebook 代表提供您的发行商端点,以便启用此功能。


如果您在服务器端管理自己的用户奖励,Facebook 可提供解决方案,帮助您使用验证技术安全地执行此项操作。我们的服务器将与指定的 https 端点通信,以验证每一次广告展示,并验证是否应发放奖励。

  1. Audience Network SDK 要求激励视频广告使用以下参数:
    • placementId:Audience Network 版位编号
    • RewardData - RewardData 对象由代表用户编号的 UserId 以及代表真实游戏奖励的 Currency 组成。
  2. 用户观看完视频后,Facebook 服务器会将这些值连同应用密钥和唯一交易编号一并转发到您指定的端点。
  3. 收到这些信息后,服务器将验证请求并作出如下回复:
    • 200 response:请求有效,应发放奖励
    • Non 200 response:请求无效,不应发放奖励。
  4. 用户观看完视频后,系统将显示结束画面,并触发下列事件之一。
    • RewardedVideoAdDidSucceed — 仅在第 3 步收到 200 响应时触发。
    • RewardedVideoAdDidFail — 在第 3 步收到非 200 响应时触发。

Facebook 服务器将向您的发行商端点发送的网址示例:https://www.your_end_point.com/?token=APP_SECRET&puid=USER_ID&pc=REWARD_ID&ptid=UNIQUE_TRANSACTION_ID



初始化激励视频广告对象后,您需要将用户编号和奖励金额传入奖励式广告数据中,然后才能加载广告。这可以通过 RewardData 类来实现。用户编号和奖励金额均为字符串。例如:

public class RewardedVideoAdTest : MonoBehaviour
  private bool isLoaded;
  private RewardedVideoAd rewardedVideoAd;

  public void LoadRewardedVideo()

    //Set the rewarded ad data
    RewardData rewardData = new RewardData();
    rewardData.UserId = "USER_ID";
    rewardData.Currency = "REWARD_ID";

    // Instantiate RewardedVideoAd with reward data
    this.rewardedVideoAd = new RewardedVideoAd("YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID", rewardData);

    // Set delegates to get notified on changes or when the user interacts with the ad.
    this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidLoad = (delegate() {
        Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad loaded.");
        this.isLoaded = true;
    this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidFailWithError = (delegate(string error) {
        Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad failed to load with error: " + error);
    this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdWillLogImpression = (delegate() {
        Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad logged impression.");
    this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClick = (delegate() {
        Debug.Log("RewardedVideo ad clicked.");
    this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidClose = (delegate() {
        Debug.Log("Rewarded video ad did close.");
        if (this.rewardedVideoAd != null) {

    // For S2S validation you need to register the following two callback
    this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidSucceed = (delegate() {
        Debug.Log("Rewarded video ad validated by server");
    this.rewardedVideoAd.RewardedVideoAdDidFail = (delegate() {
        Debug.Log("Rewarded video ad not validated, or no response from server");


为了通知您的应用程序奖励是否有效,除了 RewardedVideoAd 的其他回调,您还需要实施 RewardedVideoAdDidSucceedRewardedVideoAdDidFail 回调。

加载广告后,您可以使用 Show 方法呈现广告,就像普通的 RewardedVideoAd 一样。



按照我们的指南操作,在 Unity 应用中集成不同的广告格式:

准备好让您的应用上线并开始创收后,请先确保应用符合 Audience Network 政策Facebook 社群标准,然后提交应用供审核