您可通过使用 Audience Network,借助 Facebook 广告让 iOS 应用实现变现。插屏广告是可以在应用中显示的一种全屏广告。要投放这类广告单元,请参阅本指南。或者,如果您对其他类型的广告单元感兴趣,请参见可用的广告单元类型列表。
,声明 ViewController
执行 FBInterstitialAdDelegate
import UIKit
import FBAudienceNetwork
class ViewController: UIViewController, FBInterstitialAdDelegate {
private var interstitialAd: FBInterstitialAd?
方法中实例化广告对象,并执行 interstitialAdDidLoad
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Instantiate an InterstitialAd object.
// NOTE: the placement ID will eventually identify this as your app. You can ignore it while you are testing
// and replace it later when you have signed up.
// While you are using this temporary code you will only get test ads and if you release
// your code like this to the App Store your users will not receive ads (you will get a 'No Fill' error).
let interstitialAd = FBInterstitialAd(placementID: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID")
interstitialAd.delegate = self
// For auto play video ads, it's recommended to load the ad at least 30 seconds before it is shown
self.interstitialAd = interstitialAd
func interstitialAdDidLoad(_ interstitialAd: FBInterstitialAd) {
guard interstitialAd.isAdValid else {
print("Ad is loaded and ready to be displayed")
interstitialAd.show(fromRootViewController: self)
若想了解如何生成实时版位编号,请参阅 Audience Network 设置
屏幕上显示广告时,请勿为 FBInterstitialAd 调用 loadAd
。如需加载另一个 FBInterstitialAd 以供后续使用,可在用户关闭当前这个(例如在 interstitialAdDidClose
func interstitialAdWillLogImpression(_ interstitialAd: FBInterstitialAd) {
print("The user sees the ad")
// Use this function as indication for a user's impression on the ad.
func interstitialAdDidClick(_ interstitialAd: FBInterstitialAd) {
print("The user clicked on the ad and will be taken to its destination")
// Use this function as indication for a user's click on the ad.
func interstitialAdWillClose(_ interstitialAd: FBInterstitialAd) {
print("The user clicked on the close button, the ad is just about to close")
// Consider to add code here to resume your app's flow
func interstitialAdDidClose(_ interstitialAd: FBInterstitialAd) {
print("The user clicked on the close button, the ad is just about to close")
// Consider to add code here to resume your app's flow
func interstitialAd(_ interstitialAd: FBInterstitialAd, didFailWithError error: Error) {
print("Interstitial ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
无广告展示时,将调用 interstitialAd:didFailWithError:
,其中 error.code
会设置为 1001