Audience Network Interstitial Ads

This section contains information about interstitial ads and how to use them in your app.

Interstitial Ad Unit

An interstitial is a full screen ad that appears at a natural transition point in your app.

  • Interstitial ads must not be implemented in such a way that may surprise users or interrupt the natural flow of the app. They should be placed in between natural breaks in the experience of your app. For example, interstitial ads should be shown between levels or stages for gaming apps and are not permitted on placements such as app load, exit pages or in the middle of game play.
  • The call-to-action must be shown in a way that when a user clicks on the ad it is intentional.
  • Do not edit or modify interstitial ads in any way without Facebook’s written approval.

Adding Interstitial Ads to your Android App
Learn how to monetize your Android app with Audience Network interstitial ads.

Adding Interstitial Ads to your iOS App
Learn how to monetize your iOS app with Audience Network interstitial ads.

Adding Interstitial Ads to your Unity App
Learn how to monetize your Unity app with Audience Network interstitial ads.