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Audience Network Setup

To get started with Audience Network

  1. Go to Monetisation Manager. The first time you integrate with Audience Network, you'll be given the option to choose your Business Manager account (if you already have one), or create a new one. Note: If you create a new one, you'll need a personal Facebook account to log in to Business Manager to confirm your identity.

  2. Click Create Property

  3. Select the Create new property option, and enter a Property Name. Then click Create property.

  4. Select the platform for this property.

  5. App details. Enter the Play Store or App Store link, if your app is live. (If your app isn't live, you can skip this step and add it later. You won’t be able to monetize until you enter a link here.) Click Next.

  6. Payment account. Click on Add new payment account. This is the account into which revenue is paid. This section must be completed by a user with the required financial access permissions. Click Next.

  7. Verification. We'll review your app, which can take up to 72 hours. Note that you can complete the remaining steps now, and your app will start monetizing once we've approved.

  8. Ad setup. Select the ad format for your ad placement. Click Next.

  9. SDK integration.
    We recommend that you always run the latest SDK version.
    After each of bullet points below, click on the icon to copy the ID for use when integrating with your mediation partner.
    • Click on Add system user access token, then click the Generate token button. Copy the token, and save it for later use.
    • Copy the Property ID, and save it for later use.
    • Click on Add placement ID, then copy the Placement ID, and save it for later use.