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Facebook Credits: Concluding the Migration

July 1, 2011ByDeborah Liu

As we announced in January, we are requiring all social game developers who deliver apps on Facebook (i.e., canvas) to process payments through Facebook Credits as of today.

Facebook Credits is a virtual currency that is an integral part of the Facebook Platform. Credits offers a consistent experience for people to buy, earn and spend a virtual currency across all games on Facebook. We also want to help developers generate revenue and focus on creating games. This only works if everyone supports the same virtual currency.

Over the past six months, we’ve worked closely with many of you and invested aggressively to support this transition. These investments include new international payment options; supporting payouts in nearly all countries globally, including through PayPal; new ways for people to earn Credits, faster payment schedules and improved reporting.

This week, we’ve added 32 new currencies for Facebook Credits, including the Argentinian peso, Korean won and Singapore dollar. In total, Facebook Credits now supports 47 currencies and by next week will support more than 50 alternative payment forms worldwide.

As part of the migration to Facebook Credits, we’ve updated our policy.

Below are also some of the top FAQs that we receive about Facebook Credits. If you want to lean more about Credits, please visit our credits page or ask a question in our developer forums.

Why is Facebook requiring game developers who deliver apps on Facebook to use Facebook Credits?

We’re committed to offering people who use Facebook a simple and consistent experience when buying virtual goods in games. For developers, the greater the adoption of Facebook Credits, the greater the benefits for everyone in the Facebook Platform ecosystem.

What apps are required to use Facebook Credits?

Games that are delivered as apps on Facebook (i.e. games that are built on are required to use Facebook Credits. Non-game apps are not required to use Facebook Credits.

Can developers still offer their own in-game currencies?

Yes. Developers can either use Facebook Credits as their in game currency (where in-game items are priced in Credits) or use Facebook Credits as a way for people to purchase the developer’s in-game currency.

What about pricing?

Developers can charge whatever they feel is appropriate for their in-game currencies and virtual goods. However, Facebook expects developers to price virtual goods and in-game currency consistently for all logged-in Facebook users. Therefore, developers using the Facebook Platform should be charging the same prices to logged-in Facebook users, whether the game is running directly on or on an external site that integrates with Facebook.

What are your plans for Credits now?

We will continue to invest in the ecosystem, expanding the ways for people to buy, earn and spend Facebook Credits.