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Integrating WhatsApp Into Your E-commerce Flow

14 novembre 2022DiRashed Talukder

The WhatsApp Business Platform helps businesses communicate directly with their customers using APIs to send standardized messages, receive customer responses, and reply accordingly.

This walkthrough demonstrates how a fictitious grocery store that sells products online would keep customers up-to-date on their order status. Your app will use the Cloud API, hosted by Meta, to create WhatsApp message templates. Those templates can then be used to provide consistent and standardized information to e-commerce customers.

In the real world, order status changes according to customer actions. For instance, signing up, paying with a credit card, or finishing the purchase. You can accomplish this by integrating the WhatsApp Business Platform with your CRM or ecommerce systems, but that is outside the scope of this tutorial. Here we will be creating a manual update system so we can focus on creating and managing message templates.


First, we’ll go over creating a WhatsApp-powered Node.js web app. You can download the complete application code if you’d like a preview of where you’ll end up.

Follow the Set up Developer Assets and Platform Access tutorial to send and receive messages using a test phone number. Make sure you include building the initial app on Meta for Developers, connecting it with WhatsApp, and associating it with a Business Manager.

You will also need an understanding of Node.js and all the required tools installed.

Building on a Minimal App with Node.js and Express

This article assumes you know how to build a basic app within Node.js. We’ll provide the sample app code and show how to implement WhatsApp message template functionality.

When you download the source code, this is the folder structure you see in your code editor. We’ll be working primarily in bin, public, routes, and views – as well as editing .env, app.js, and package.json:

  • bin folder: Contains executable binaries from your node modules.
  • public folder: Contains all the static files such as images, JavaScript, and CSS files.
  • routes folder: Contains routes registered in the app.js file. Routes are JavaScript codes that Express.js uses to associate an HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, and so on) with a URL path and a function that handles HTTP requests.
  • views folder: Contains the EJS/HTML files with markup logic that the EJS view engine uses to render web pages.
  • app.js file: Registers the routes and starts the Node.js web server.
  • .env file: Contains key and value pairs defining environment variables required by the project. This file allows configuring the application without modifying the project code.
  • package.json file: This is the heart of a Node.js project and contains the necessary metadata that the project needs to manage and install dependencies, run scripts, and identify the project's entry point.

To get started, open the package.json file located in the project root folder:

  "name": "ecommerce-node",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node ./bin/www"
  "dependencies": {
    "axios": "^0.27.2",
    "body-parser": "^1.20.0",
    "cookie-parser": "~1.4.4",
    "debug": "~2.6.9",
    "dotenv": "^16.0.1",
    "ejs": "~3.1.8",
    "express": "~4.16.1",
    "http-errors": "~1.6.3",
    "morgan": "~1.9.1"

Note the requirements listed in the dependencies section. To run the application, you must install these dependencies first. Open your console and run npm install to install these dependencies.

This example uses a minimal app written with Node.js, Express, EJS. The app's homepage is built on Bootstrap and features a simple form you use later to create the message template that you send to customers.

Before we go any further, your Node.js application needs specific data from your developer account on Meta for Developers.

Edit the .env file in the project’s root folder, replacing the values below in the brackets with your data from your WhatsApp Business Account Dashboard according to the tutorial mentioned in the Prerequisites section:

APP_ID=<<your WhatsApp business app id>>
APP_SECRET=<<your WhatsApp business app secret>>
RECIPIENT_WAID=<<your recipient test phone number>>
PHONE_NUMBER_ID=<<sender test phone number id>>
BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_ID=<<WhatsApp business account id>>
ACCESS_TOKEN=<<access token you generated for your System User>>

Creating Message Templates with Node.js and WhatsApp Business Platform

Now we’re ready to start building your first message template.

Your form action in the index.ejs file located in the views/ folder tells the app to POST to the /createTemplates route. Therefore, you need a new router to:

  • Handle the createTemplates HTTP POST request.
  • Verify if the templates already exist.
  • Obtain the configuration needed to create each message template.
  • Create the message templates using the Cloud API.
  • Redirect the app to the homepage after creating the templates.

Create a new file called createTemplates.js in the /routes folder with the code below. This file contains the POST endpoint required to handle the request from the homepage and calls another function to generate the message templates to work with:

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const { messageTemplates } = require("../public/javascripts/messageTemplates")
const { createMessageTemplate } = require("../messageHelper");
const { listTemplates } = require("../messageHelper");

router.use(bodyParser.json());'/', async function (req, res, next) {

  try {
      const templatesResponse = await listTemplates()
      const remoteApprovedTemplates = => t.status === 'APPROVED');

      const localTemplates = messageTemplates

      for (let index = 0; index < localTemplates.length; index++) {
        const localTemplate = localTemplates[index];

        const queryResult = remoteApprovedTemplates
        .filter(t => == process.env.TEMPLATE_NAME_PREFIX
          + '_' +

        console.log(`Creating template: ${}.`)

        if (queryResult.length > 0) {
          console.log(`Template ${queryResult[0].name} already exists.`)

        try {
          await createMessageTemplate(localTemplate);
          console.log(`Template ${} created successfully.`)
        } catch (error) {
          console.log(`Failed creating template ${}.`)

    } catch (error) {
      console.log(“Failed obtaining remote template list.”)

    console.log(“Redirecting to the backoffice.”)

module.exports = router;

Next, you need a function to encapsulate the Cloud API code to list and create message templates. Create a new file called messageHelper.js in the project’s root folder with the following code:

const axios = require('axios');

async function listTemplates() {

  return await axios({
    method: 'get',
    url: `${process.env.VERSION}/${process.env.BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_ID}/message_templates`
      + '?limit=1000'
      + `&access_token=${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`

The code above sends a GET request to the message_templates endpoint to determine which templates already exist. The reply tells you whether you must create a new template.

Open the messageHelper.js file and add the following code to it:

async function createMessageTemplate(template) {

  const config = {
    method: 'post',
    url: `${process.env.VERSION}/${process.env.BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_ID}/message_templates`,
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    data: {
      name:  process.env.TEMPLATE_NAME_PREFIX + '_' +,
      category: "TRANSACTIONAL",
      components: template.components,
      language: template.language

  return await axios(config)

module.exports = {
  listTemplates: listTemplates,
  createMessageTemplate: createMessageTemplate

The code above accesses the Meta Graph API and makes an HTTP request to the /message_templates endpoint to list (HTTP GET) and create (HTTP POST) templates. The templates pass:

  • The Meta Graph API version you’re using
  • Your WhatsApp Business account ID
  • The access token you generated for your system user

Note that the createMessageTemplate function used here creates a template with a specific data structure whose parameters fit the needs of the example e-commerce app. You can learn more and experiment with creating different parameters by visiting the Message Template Guidelines page.

The app.js file defines the entry point for the Node.js app. In the sample application source code, the app.js file starts like this:

const createError = require('http-errors');
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const logger = require('morgan');
const app = express();

const indexRouter = require('./routes/index');
const usersRouter = require('./routes/users');

// view engine setup
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

app.use('/', indexRouter);
app.use('/users', usersRouter);

// catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use(function(req, res, next) {

// error handler
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  // set locals, only providing error in development
  res.locals.message = err.message;
  res.locals.error ='env') === 'development' ? err : {};

  // render the error page
  res.status(err.status || 500);

module.exports = app;

You can see how the app.js file above declares the required modules. Then it registers the routes necessary for the Express.js framework to decide which JavaScript functions handle each HTTP request the web application processes.

Modify the app.js file to create a router variable for the /createTemplate route:

const createTemplatesRouter = require('./routes/createTemplates');

Then, allow the app to use the new createTemplatesRouter variable:

app.use('/createTemplates', createTemplatesRouter);

Now, to create the test message templates, create a new file called messageTemplates.js in the public/javascripts/ folder using the contents of the messageTemplates.js file in the sample repository.

Finally, rerun the app:

> npm start

Click Create Message Templates. You see the creation of the message templates in the terminal window:

Now that you’ve created them all, you use them to send preformatted messages to WhatsApp users.

Creating the Back Office Page

The next step is creating mock-up data for the product catalog and the orders. You store the data in files separated from your JavaScript code.

Create two new files called products.js and orders.js in the public/javascripts folder containing the product.js and the orders.js files in the sample repository.

You now need a new route for users to access the Back Office page:

Create a new file called backoffice.js in the /routes folder with the following content to render the Back Office page with the orders data:

const express = require('express');
const { products } = require("../public/javascripts/products");
const { orders, orderActions, statuses } = require("../public/javascripts/orders");
const { getMessageData, sendWhatsAppMessage } = require("../messageHelper")
const router = express.Router();

const viewModel = products;'/', async function (req, res, next) {
  const orderId = req.body.orderId;
  const order = orders.filter(o => == orderId)[0]

  const data = getMessageData(process.env.RECIPIENT_WAID, order);
  try {
    const response = await sendWhatsAppMessage(data)
  } catch (error) {

router.get('/', function (req, res, next) {

module.exports = router;
function renderBackoffice(res) {
    title: 'e-Commerce Demo for Node.js',
    products: viewModel,
    statuses: statuses,
    orders: orders,
    orderActions: orderActions

Create a new file called backoffice.ejs in the /views folder with the contents of the backoffice.js file in the sample repository to render the order data using the EJS template syntax.

Next, open the app.js file and create a router variable for the /backoffice route:

const backofficeRouter = require('./routes/backoffice');

Allow the app to use the new backofficeRouter variable:

app.use('/backoffice', backofficeRouter);

Finally, rerun the app:

> npm start

Now, click Create Message Templates to create all the message templates with the Cloud API and redirect you to the Back Office view:

Sending Templated Messages

A business-initiated conversation requires an approved message template during production and at minimum, be marked active during development. These conversations could include customer care messages, appointment reminders, payment or shipping updates, and alerts.

You must send the message using the parameters required by each template.

Open the messageHelper.js file and delete the module.exports block. Next, add the sendWhatsAppMessage and the getMessageData functions. Then, import the required javascript files for the products and message templates. Finally, add the new module.exports block using the code below:

const { messageTemplates } = require('./public/javascripts/messageTemplates')
const { products } = require('./public/javascripts/products')

async function sendWhatsAppMessage(data) {
  const config = {
    method: 'post',
    url: `${process.env.VERSION}/${process.env.PHONE_NUMBER_ID}/messages`,
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    data: data

  return await axios(config)

function getMessageData(recipient, order) {

  const messageTemplate = messageTemplates[order.statusId - 1]
  let messageParameters

  switch ( {
    case 'welcome':
      messageParameters = [
        { type: "text", text: order.customer.split(' ')[0] },
    case 'payment_analysis':
      messageParameters = [
        { type: "text", text: order.customer.split(' ')[0] },
        { type: "text", text: products[order.items[0].productId - 1].name },
    case 'payment_approved':
      messageParameters = [
        { type: "text", text: order.customer.split(' ')[0] },
        { type: "text", text: },
        { type: "text", text: order.deliveryDate },
    case 'invoice_available':
      messageParameters = [
        { type: "text", text: order.customer.split(' ')[0] },
        { type: "text", text: products[order.items[0].productId - 1].name },
        { type: "text", text: `${}` },
    case 'order_picked_packed':
      messageParameters = [
        { type: "text", text: order.customer.split(' ')[0] },
        { type: "text", text: },
        { type: "text", text: `${}` },
    case 'order_in_transit':
      messageParameters = [
        { type: "text", text: order.customer.split(' ')[0] },
        { type: "text", text: },
        { type: "text", text: order.deliveryDate },
        { type: "text", text: `${}` },
    case 'order_delivered':
      messageParameters = [
        { type: "text", text: order.customer.split(' ')[0] },
        { type: "text", text: },
        { type: "text", text: order.deadlineDays },
  const messageData = {
    messaging_product: "whatsapp",
    to: recipient,
    type: "template",
    template: {
      name: process.env.TEMPLATE_NAME_PREFIX + '_' +,
      language: { "code": "en_US" },
      components: [{
          type: "body",
          parameters: messageParameters

  return JSON.stringify(messageData);

module.exports = {
  sendWhatsAppMessage: sendWhatsAppMessage,
  listTemplates: listTemplates,
  createMessageTemplate: createMessageTemplate,
  getMessageData: getMessageData

Note that the getMessageData function returns a data structure required for sending messages formatted for your back-office templates. You can experiment with other templates or create new ones by visiting the Message Templates page.

Finally, run the app:

> npm start

On the Back Office page, click each Action button to move the orders along the sales funnel. Your app sends the appropriate templated WhatsApp message to the test phone number representing a customer. Each message corresponds to new order status.

Pick the first order and click the Approve button. Your app makes a POST request to the /messages endpoint of the Cloud API. It then sends a message to the customer according to the payment_analysis template created by your app. The app then moves the order status to Payment Approved.

Now open WhatsApp to visualize the templated message:

Next, pick the second order, click Ship, and repeat the process above:

Finally, pick the fifth order and click Deliver:

The WhatsApp messages above have two essential elements: the message templates representing the current purchase order state in the e-commerce funnel and the raw data containing information about the customer or products.

In this exercise, the raw data came from static files (orders.js and products.js), but in a real-life app, you would need to pull that data from an enterprise data source such as a database, a CRM, or e-commerce APIs. This integration would also allow you to automate this process based on customer updates in those systems.

Creating and Managing Message Templates Using the Meta Business Manager UI

You have seen how the Cloud API allows your application to create message templates programmatically. In addition to this powerful feature, you can count on the Meta Business Manager UI to create and modify templates directly through the web without needing a program.

To reach this UI, login to the Meta for Developers Platform, then navigate to your app. On the left navigation panel, under Products, click WhatsApp and then click Getting Started.

Under Step 2: Send messages with the API, you see this paragraph with a link:

“To send a test message, copy this command, paste it into Terminal, and press enter. To create your own message template, click here.”

Click the link. Alternatively, you can go directly to the Message Templates page.

To view one of the messages you created with the Node.js application, click the pencil icon, and you will see:

To create a new template, click the Create Message Template button and provide a category, a name, and one or more languages for your template:

Finally, type some text for your message template. The message body may contain variables, which are placeholders for data your app must provide later when it sends messages to WhatsApp users, just as in this article. To customize your templates further, you can include a message footer and a header with an image, video, or document.


The WhatsApp Business Platform is a simple tool to facilitate communication between companies and their customers. Using the Cloud API, hosted by Meta, you can easily connect your app, communicate efficiently with your customers, and promote your business.

This article demonstrated how to connect an e-commerce back-office app based on Node.js with the WhatsApp Business Platform to create message templates, provide information, and send messages to WhatsApp users using the Cloud API.

Ready for more? See our tutorial on building and sending media-rich messages with your app and the Cloud API.