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Introducing Facebook Platform SDK V12.0 & Related Updates

Today we are releasing Facebook SDK v12.0 and additional updates to our Facebook Platform SDKs. This post outlines these updates and the required steps developers should take to avoid disruption for their applications that integrate with Facebook. Here is a quick overview of some of the updates included as part of the SDK v12.0 release:

  • Graph API v12.0 Support and new SDK features: We are adding support for Graph API v12.0
  • Facebook SDK for iOS: Update for Swift Package Manager - XCFramework
  • Deprecation Announcements

Please find additional details on these updates below.

Release of Facebook SDK V12.0

Today Facebook Platform SDK v12.0 is launching across Android, iOS and Unity platforms.

Other Key Releases

Facebook SDK for iOS: Update for Swift Package Manager (SPM)

Starting with iOS SDK v12.0, Swift Package Manager (SPM) no longer builds the SDK from source code. Instead it provides pre-built XCFrameworks attached to the corresponding GitHub release. This will reduce build times for Apps that include the SDK.

Because XCFrameworks do not embed dependent frameworks, SPM cannot automatically provide the dependencies, developers who use SPM need to include additional packages to satisfy dependency requirements - specifically, including FacebookAEM, FacebookBasics and FacebookCore before adding any other frameworks such as FacebookLogin.

Please visit upgrade instructions here.

Facebook SDK for iOS: Update for CocoaPods

Starting with Facebook SDK for iOS v12.0, frameworks are pre-built so developers do not need to build locally. The upgrade path for CocoaPods will not require changes to the Podfile. Simply `pod update` the SDK CocoaPods and see your build times reduced.

Facebook SDK for Android: AndroidX

With v12.0 we support AndroidX activity result APIs. This requires `androidx.activity` v1.2.0+ and `androidx.fragment` v1.3.0+. Developers will need to remove the old code that overrides the onActivityResult() method and initialize the Facebook buttons with an AndroidX activity/fragment if you’re using them. Otherwise, no action is needed.

Facebook SDK for Android: Upcoming for v13.0

Upcoming in v13.0, we will be requiring apps to be built with Java 8 bytecode. The main reason is that from Kotlin 1.5, the support for older Java bytecode versions is deprecated and in the foreseeable future, that support will be completely removed by JetBrains. Java 8 bytecode will also allow the final apps to have smaller size and better performance.

We will also require apps to target Android 11 (API 30) or newer in order to better support the new package visibility mechanism from Android 11 for protecting the privacy of our final users.

Graph API v12.0 Support

In this release we are adding support for the Facebook Graph API v12.0 and Marketing API v12.0 to the Facebook SDKs. This blog post highlights additional announcements, product updates and reminders related to the Graph API v12.0 and Marketing API v12.0 release.

Graph API v12.0 Support

In this release we are adding support for the Facebook Graph API v12.0 and Marketing API v12.0 to the Facebook SDKs. This blog post highlights additional announcements, product updates and reminders related to the Graph API v12.0 and Marketing API v12.0 release.

Upcoming Requirements & Deprecations:

Upcoming Requirement to embed Client Tokens in the SDK:

Starting with the release of Platform SDK v13.0 in January 2022, developers will be required to embed a Client Token in the SDK for Graph API calls in order to prevent their apps from crashing upon initialization. The inclusion of Client Tokens in the SDK enables us to analyze platform issues more effectively and enhance the performance of the platform as a whole. With the launch of Platform SDK v13.0, we will begin using Client Tokens for processing Graph API calls when an Access or Authentication Token is unavailable. At that point, any apps using SDK v13.0 and above that do not include a Client Token will crash upon initialization of the SDK. Developers can learn more about how to embed their App’s Client Token in the SDK here in order to avoid any service disruption when Platform SDK v13.0 launches.

Deprecation of Platform SDK v11.0:

With the release of SDK v12.0, we are announcing that SDK 11.0 is now in a deprecated state for a 2-year period. During this deprecation period, there will be no formal maintenance support provided for any issues raised on SDK v11.0. At the end of the 2-year deprecation period, SDK v11.0 will be discontinued and no longer operational. In light of the deprecation of SDK v11.0, developers are encouraged to begin the process of migrating to SDK v12.0 as soon as possible to use the latest and greatest SDK with formal maintenance support.

Version Deprecations:

Below are the deprecated versions of the Facebook Platform SDKs and associated dates:

  • On January 19, 2021, we announced the 2-year deprecation schedule for Facebook Platform SDK v8.x and below. These versions will sunset in January of 2023.
  • On June 8, 2021, we released Facebook Platform SDK v11.0, which began the 2-year deprecation of Facebook Platform SDK v9.0. SDK v9.0 will sunset in June of 2023.
  • Today, September 28, 2021, with the release of SDk v12.0, we will begin the 2-year deprecation for SDK v11.0.


Visit our Changelogs to review specific changes to the SDKs and stay informed on planned improvements: