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Facebook Analytics for Apps: New Features and Product Updates

2015년 10월 14일제작:Brian Ni

With Facebook Analytics for Apps, we've been committed to bringing you the best tools to help you understand your audience. Today, we’re introducing product improvements and new features to make your experience even better.

Log More Events and Deactivate Obsolete Events and Parameters

A core feature in Analytics for Apps is the ability to log app events. This allows you to analyze app activity, build funnels, and measure ad performance. To provide more flexibility, we’ve increased the event limit from 300 unique events to 1,000. Additionally, you can now rename existing events and parameters and deactivate any that are no longer needed.

Reach Your Most Valuable Customers with Custom Audiences

Analytics for Apps helps you understand your app's audience by empowering you to create segments—for instance: German purchasers or men who use iOS devices. While surfacing relevant ads to these groups has once been a considerable challenge, you can now create custom audiences directly from your segments to run targeted campaigns, and grow your business.

In the example below, clicking “Create Custom Audience” generates a target audience from the segment composed of the top 25% of iOS purchasers who are women.

Discover New Customers with Lookalikes

While custom audience creation can improve engagement of your existing customers, using lookalikes can help you expand your reach by connecting you to people on Facebook similar to your custom audiences. This enables you to reach new consumers who are likely to be interested in your products and are most likely to convert.

Betaworks is a startup studio that employs our custom audience and lookalike tools for Two Dots, their mobile game with over 40 million downloads. Here's what they had to say about their experience:

“Facebook Analytics for Apps helps automate our acquisition campaigns and saves us time and effort. By using the new segments to audience tool, we were able to easily create dynamic audiences to target more effectively. This is a big improvement over our previous method which was much more labor intensive.”
-Christian Calderon, Head of Marketing, Dots

Stay Up To Date with Analytics for Apps Reports

To help you track performance and key metrics, we've launched our Analytics for Apps Report, a regular summary of high-level insights emailed directly to your inbox. Here, you can review your app's current usage trends and stay updated on recent activity. The report will also suggest useful actions you can take in your Analytics for Apps dashboard and highlight new features as they arrive. This way you can stay up to date on the latest tools available to help you analyze your data.

To subscribe, you can adjust your email preferences here.

For more information about the Analytics for Apps reports, visit our help center.

Learn more about Analytics for Apps by accessing our developer site.