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Graph API v2.5

7 Oktober 2015OlehJianting Wen

Today we're launching version 2.5 of the Facebook Graph API. This release includes many new features, particularly in our APIs for Facebook Ads, Pages, and Videos.

Marketing API

For the first time, we're bundling changes to the Graph API and the Marketing API into a single release to make it easier for developers to use both APIs and follow new products and features being released. One of the most exciting aspects of the new Marketing API is the option to create Lead Ads, which lets advertisers capture leads to drive effective direct response campaigns by collecting information from people directly within the ad.

Pages API

There's now a new direct response-focused feature for Pages developers. Pages can now include a custom Call To Action driving people to take a specific action from the Page, such as booking an appointment, calling the business, or making a donation.

Videos API

We've heard from developers that it would be useful to be able to host videos on Facebook, embed them on third-party sites or share them with anyone who has the URL, without posting them anywhere else on Facebook. We're introducing new parameters for the Video API to give developers more choices in how they share video content. Secret Videos give developers the ability to upload videos that are accessible only via a direct URL, but which are not searchable for people on Facebook.

Rate Limits Guide

As part of our ongoing efforts to be more transparent with our developer community, we'll begin documenting the way rate limiting works on the Graph API. You can read more about rate limits here.

For a full list of the changes in Graph API v2.5, please read our changelog.

You can expect the next version of the Graph API in early April 2016. See you then!