
Page Plugin

2015年6月11日发布者:Yugal Jindle

At F8 this year, we announced the Page plugin — a new way to easily embed and promote any Facebook Page on your website. It allows people to like or share your Page directly from your website, helping to increase engagement and awareness. As a reminder, on June 23, websites that currently use the Like box will automatically update to the Page plugin — so your site will have the benefit of the plugin's new, updated look and functionality without any work required to make the change.

Page plugin features that you may find helpful include:

  • People visiting your website will see which of their friends like your Page.
  • People visiting your website will see the most recent posts from your Facebook Page. This is a great way to keep people up-to-date with the latest happenings from your Page.
  • The Page plugin language can be adjusted by loading a localized version of the Facebook JavaScript SDK.

Also, we're happy to share a few improvements to the Page plugin:

  • Improved Width Support: As requested by our developer community, we've made updates to the Page plugin to support a broader range of widths — as wide as 500px and as narrow as 180px. (Note that you may see minor layout changes due to space constraints when working with narrower widths. For example, at 180px you won't see the Share button).
  • More Flexible Sizing: We've added an additional parameter called adapt_container_width to ensure the Page plugin fits properly on websites. This lets developers control whether the Page plugin width will adjust to the size of its container, or if it will be a fixed width as specified by the width property.
  • Call to Action Buttons: The plugin now supports the same call-to-action buttons as Pages. For example, if your Page has a “Sign Up” or “Contact Us” button enabled, then that button now appears on the Page plugin on your website, with the same functionality that it has on your Page. This doesn't require any changes to the plugin configuration on your end.

We look forward to hearing about your experience with the new Page plugin as it rolls out. For more details, please go here.