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Introducing Unity Support and a New Guide for Using App Events

18 Desember 2014OlehShachar Gershoni

App Events is one of the best tools we offer to help developers understand how people use their apps and how to optimize advertising on Facebook. Today, we're announcing App Events support for Unity games on Facebook, so you can better understand how your games are performing. And we're introducing a new guide so it's easier for all developers to get started with App Events.

App Events for Unity Games

If you're building games using the Unity SDK, you'll now be able to log App Events for your games, meaning you'll be able to see how your Unity game is performing, better understand the demographic makeup of people who respond to your ads, and run more effective advertising campaigns.

For instance, you can use App Events to determine which level of your game is the hardest, based on where players drop off in the game. Or you can see which level of the game is most successful at encouraging people to make in-app purchases. Once you know this information about your game, it's easier to improve engagement and gameplay. For example, with App Events you can determine which demographic group is making in-app purchases in your game, and then show them ads that offer a discount on virtual goods or in-app purchases

New Guide for App Events

We want to make it easier for you to get started with App Events, so today we're introducing a guide with best practices for how to implement App Events, depending on your particular business or type of app. The guide provides tips for apps in e-commerce, retail, games and travel categories, as well as a list of recommended events and parameters for each type of app.

In the example below, a gamer initiates a purchase for a pack of lightning bolts. You can log an App Event for this action, along with the relevant parameters for the content type (lighting bolt), content ID (10X), currency ($USD), and value ($0.99). Once you've logged this event and parameters with App Events, you will be able to use App Insights to see breakdowns of this data. You can learn about the total number of people initiating purchases of different lighting bolt packs, and potential revenue for those packs. Also, you can build a lookalike audience of the gamers that purchased more than $50 worth of packs within the last 28 days using custom audiences from mobile apps and find more high quality gamers for your app using mobile app ads.

Get started integrating App Events using the planning guide here.