People love their mobile phones — so much so that in the US they spend more than two hours a day on them. Most of this time, around 86%, is spent using apps and this percentage is growing.
Despite all this growth, it can be difficult to build a sustainable mobile app business by earning money through in-app advertising. Mobile ads don’t work well for advertisers, who struggle to reach the people they care about; and they don’t work well for people using apps, who end up seeing ads that aren’t relevant for them.
Over the last few years, we’ve proven that mobile ads work on Facebook. We've driven great results by showing people the ads that they want to see from the brands they care about in a format that fits the look and feel of our app.
Today we're introducing the Audience Network, which extends the reach of Facebook campaigns into third-party mobile apps. Here’s how it helps you better monetize your app:
Our native ads let you design the perfect ad unit for your app. Here are three example apps:
Ready to start monetizing your app with the Audience Network?
Learn more and apply to be included in our beta.
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