
Enable Followers in Your App

2012年6月27日發佈者:Yariv Sadan

Today we are launching the Open Graph built-in follow action. The follow action makes it easier for people to keep tabs on the stories people tell from within your app in their News Feed, Timeline and through the notifications channel.

For example, a person can follow their favorite restaurant critic from within a food review app on Facebook.

OG Follow Button

When a person follows another person, the follower will get an entry in their Recent Activity box:

Following event in Recent Activity

The follower will also see a notification that they followed someone in your app:

Follow Notification

Content a person publishes within your app will be displayed in the follower's News Feed even if they aren't Facebook friends. People can control who sees what they publish through the privacy settings of the app.

Starting today we will no longer approve custom follow actions. Apps that currently use a custom follow action must migrate to use the built-in follow in the next 90 days. We have updated the Platform Roadmap to reflect this change.

To learn more about using the follow action, please see our documentation on built-in follow.