Sua Música

Reducing friction for new users and improving user retention with Facebook Login


Connecting listeners and musicians

Sua Música launched in 2010 and is now the largest independent music streaming platform in Latin America. Independent artists use the Sua Música platform to launch and distribute promotional material, including music, videos, photos and concert schedules. The platform is available via desktop as well as via Android and iOS, and it engages millions of users with an array of content, including interviews, quizzes, pocket shows, and entertainment news.


users choose Facebook Login


more engagement from Facebook users


increase in users successfully logging in


A faster login process

Sua Música has always aimed to provide seamless services to people throughout Brazil. Because of this, it has to consider the connectivity of all users and work to make its services accessible and consistent across the diverse nation. The company wanted to find a solution that made logging in to the platform faster and aimed to introduce Express Login and Custom Tabs for Android.


Introducing new login features

To implement Express Login and Custom Tabs for Android, the in-house team of developers at Sua Música referenced the partner-facing resources available from Facebook for Developers to adopt the latest version of its SDK. Once complete, its login SDK could support Custom Tabs for Android and enable Express Login for Android users.

With these new Facebook login options, the Sua Música users with Android devices could easily create an account, authenticate their details, and remain logged in to the music streaming platform using the Facebook Login feature. After testing the login features for two weeks, Sua Música introduced Custom Tabs for Android for 3% of its users to continue testing and fine-tuning the user experience and then began rolling out the feature to its entire user base in September 2020.



Speedy and reliable sign-in

By implementing Express Login and Custom Tabs for Android, Sua Música successfully provided its users with a fast and reliable way to not only create an account but remain logged in. It earned the following results:

  • 70% of Sua Música users choose Facebook Login to authenticate their account
  • 24% more engagement from Facebook users than from other authentication models
  • 10% increase in users successfully logging into Sua Música with Facebook Login after introducing Express Login and Custom Tabs for Android
  • 2% increase in engagement since introducing Express Login compared to Facebook Login only
All results are self-reported and not identically repeatable. Generally expected individual results will differ.

“By introducing Express Login, the Sua Música users with Android devices are able to log in to their account and access our platform easily. This seamless login experience is incredibly attractive to users, especially as it allows them to stay signed in and remain engaged.”

Filipe Rangel
Head of Product, Sua Música


Facebook Login

A convenient way for Facebook’s billions of global users to log into your app or website.

Learn more