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Data Privacy & Security

This page describes how Meta provides Cloud API as a standalone service for businesses to message users at scale via WhatsApp. Meta also offers additional optional services that businesses can choose to use with Cloud API. For example, a business can leverage Meta’s AI capabilities to converse with customers via Cloud API. When a business chooses to use these services, different terms could apply. Please consult the applicable documentation for additional details on how Meta processes data for these services.

Message Flows

When a user sends a message to one of these businesses, the message travels end-to-end encrypted between the user and the Cloud API. As per the Signal protocol, the user and the Cloud API, on behalf of the business, negotiate encryption keys and establish a secure communication channel. WhatsApp cannot access any message content exchanged between users and businesses.

Once a message is received by the Cloud API, it gets decrypted and forwarded to the Business. Messages are only temporarily stored by the Cloud API as required to provide the base API functionality.

Messages from a business to a user flow on the reverse path. Businesses send messages to Cloud API. The Cloud API service stores the messages temporarily and takes on the task to send the message to the WhatsApp platform. Messages are stored for any necessary retransmissions.

All messages are encrypted by the Cloud API before being sent to WhatsApp using the Signal protocol with keys negotiated with the user (recipient).

WhatsApp acts as the transport service. It provides the message forwarding software; both client and server. It has no visibility into the message content being sent. It protects the users by detecting unusual messaging patterns (like a business trying to message all users) or collecting spam reports from users.

Cloud API, operated by Meta, acts as the intermediary between WhatsApp and the Cloud API businesses. In other words, those businesses have given Cloud API the power to operate on their behalf. Because of this, WhatsApp forwards all messages destined for those businesses to Cloud API. WhatsApp also expects to receive from Cloud API all messages from those businesses. This is the same client behavior that the On-Premise client has.

Meta, in providing the Cloud API service, acts as a Data Processor on behalf of the business. As such, the businesses have requested Meta to provide programmatic access to the WhatsApp Business Platform.

Cloud API receives from WhatsApp the messages destined for the businesses that use Cloud API. Cloud API also sends to WhatsApp the messages sent by those businesses. Other parts of Meta (other than Cloud API) do not have access to the Cloud API business communications, including message content. Meta does not use any Cloud API data for advertising.

Stored and Collected Data

All data collected, stored and accessed by Cloud API is controlled and monitored to ensure proper usage and maintain the high level of privacy expected from a WhatsApp client.

Information about the businesses, including their business phone numbers, business address, etc. is maintained by Meta and the Business Manager product and is subject to the terms of service set by Meta. Cloud API relies on Business Manager and other Meta systems to identify any access to Cloud API on behalf of the business.

Messages sent or received via Cloud API are only accessed by Cloud API, no other part of Meta can use this information. Messages have a maximum retention period of 30 days in order to provide the base features and functionality of the Cloud API service; for example, retransmissions. After 30 days, these features and functionality are no longer available.

Cloud API does not rely on any information about the user (customer/consumer) the business is communicating with other than the phone number used to identify the account. This information is only used to deliver the messages via the WhatsApp client code. User phone numbers are used as sources or destinations of individual messages; as such they are deleted when messages are deleted. No other part of Meta other than Cloud API has access to this information.

No message content is shared or sent to WhatsApp at any time and no WhatsApp employee has access to any message content.

Cloud API DataSystemAvailable to the rest of Meta?Available to WhatsApp?

Message content

Cloud API



Consumer phone number

Cloud API



Non-identifiable statistics

Cloud API



Integrity signals - per business

WhatsApp Client



Business information

Business Manager



Billing - per business





Meta 不会使用 WhatsApp 消息来决定用户看到的广告。但是,屡见不鲜的是,商家可以出于自身营销目的使用收到的消息,包括为了在 Facebook 或其他渠道(例如邮箱或电视)发布广告。

云端 API 在 Meta 数据中心运行,除非公司自己选择使用云端 API 本次存储选项。Meta 在北美和欧盟设有数据中心。

消息静止数据会加密。这些数据会在 30 天后被自动删除。

和其他所有 WhatsApp Business API 解决方案合作伙伴一样,Meta 会代表公司管理加密和解密密钥。为了让公司能够通过云端 API 发送和接收消息,云端 API 会代表公司管理加密/解密密钥。Meta 负责运行云端 API,根据 Meta 条款的规定,云端 API 只能用于传递消息。WhatsApp 没有密钥和消息的访问权限。

我们获得了 SOC 2 II 类报告。请访问我们的 Meta 业务消息合规中心 ,了解更多详情。

一直以来,Meta 都非常重视数据保护和用户的隐私安全,未来我们也将一如既往地遵守数据保护方面的法律。云端 API 让我们的客户可以继续遵守他们在《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR) 下的义务。Meta 旨在遵守适用法律、行业和监管要求,并且符合行业最佳实践。 查看更多信息

Meta 和 WhatsApp 将数据从欧盟和/或英国传输到美国时,使用了符合 GDPR 要求的适当传输机制。


请查看应遵守的 WhatsApp Business 数据处理条款Meta 云端 API 托管条款, 获取适用的分包处理方列表。
