One-Tap Autofill Authentication Templates

The OTP Android SDK is in beta and features a simplified workflow for implementing one-tap and zero-tap authentication templates. You can learn how to use it below.

One-tap autofill authentication templates allow you to send a one-time password or code along with an one-tap autofill button to your users. When a WhatsApp user taps the autofill button, the WhatsApp client triggers an activity which opens your app and delivers it the password or code.

One-tap autofill button authentication templates consist of:

  • Preset text: <VERIFICATION_CODE> is your verification code.
  • An optional security disclaimer: For your security, do not share this code.
  • An optional expiration warning (optional): This code expires in <NUM_MINUTES> minutes.
  • A one-tap autofill button.


One-tap autofill buttons are only supported on Android. If you send an authentication template to a WhatsApp user who is using a non-Android device, the WhatsApp client will display a copy code button instead.

URLs, media, and emojis are not supported.

Template Creation

Use the WhatsApp Business Account > Message Templates endpoint to create authentication templates.

Request Syntax


Post Body

  "name": "<TEMPLATE_NAME>",
  "language": "<TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE>",
  "category": "authentication",
  "message_send_ttl_seconds": <TIME_T0_LIVE>, // Optional
  "components": [
      "type": "body",
      "add_security_recommendation": <SECURITY_RECOMMENDATION> // Optional
      "type": "footer",
      "code_expiration_minutes": <CODE_EXPIRATION> // Optional
      "type": "buttons",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "otp",
          "otp_type": "one_tap",
          "text": "<COPY_CODE_BUTTON_TEXT>",  // Optional
          "autofill_text": "<AUTOFILL_BUTTON_TEXT>", // Optional
          "package_name": "<PACKAGE_NAME>",
          "signature_hash": "<SIGNATURE_HASH>"

Note that in your template creation request the button type is designated as otp, but upon creation the button type will be set to url. You can confirm this by performing a GET request on a newly created authentication template and analyzing its components.


PlaceholderDescriptionExample Value




One-tap autofill button label text.

Maximum 25 characters.

If omitted, the autofill text will default to a pre-set value, localized to the template's language. For example, Autofill for English (US).





Indicates the number of minutes the password or code is valid.

If included, the code expiration warning and this value will be displayed in the delivered message. The button will be disabled in the delivered message the indicated number of minutes from when the message was sent.

If omitted, the code expiration warning will not be displayed in the delivered message. In addition, the button will be disabled 10 minutes from when the message was sent.

Minimum 1, maximum 90.





Copy code button label text.

If omitted, the text will default to a pre-set value localized to the template's language. For example, Copy Code for English (US).

If included, the authentication template message will display a copy code button with this text if the message fails the eligibility check.

Maximum 25 characters.

Copy Code




Your Android app's package name.





Set to true if you want the template to include the string, For your security, do not share this code. Set to false to exclude the string.





Your app signing key hash. See App Signing Key Hash below.





Template language and locale code.





Template name.

Maximum 512 characters.





Authentication message time-to-live value, in seconds. See Time-To-Live below.


Example Request

This example creates a template named "authentication_code_autofill_button" categorized as authentication with all optional text strings enabled and a one-tap autofill button.

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...' \
-d '
  "name": "authentication_code_autofill_button",
  "language": "en_US",
  "category": "authentication",
  "message_send_ttl_seconds": 60,
  "components": [
          "type": "body",
          "add_security_recommendation": true
          "type": "footer",
          "code_expiration_minutes": 10
          "type": "buttons",
          "buttons": [
                  "type": "otp",
                  "otp_type": "one_tap",
                  "text": "Copy Code",
                  "autofill_text": "Autofill",
                  "package_name": "com.example.luckyshrub",
                  "signature_hash": "K8a%2FAINcGX7"

Example Response

  "id": "594425479261596",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "category": "AUTHENTICATION"


You must signal to the WhatsApp client to expect imminent delivery of a password or code. You can do this by initiating a "handshake".

A handshake is an Android intent and public class that you implement but that the WhatsApp client can start.

When a user in your app requests a one-time password or verification code and chooses for it to be delivered to their WhatsApp number, first perform the handshake, then call our API to send the authentication template message. When the WhatsApp client receives the message, it will perform an eligibility check, and if there are no errors, start the intent and display the message to the user. Finally, when the user taps the message's one-tap autofill button, we automatically load your app and pass it the password or code.

If you do not perform a handshake before sending the message, or the message fails an eligibility check, the delivered message will display a copy code button instead of a one-tap button.

Eligibility Check

The WhatsApp client performs the following checks when it receives an authentication template message. If any check fails, the one-tap autofill button will be replaced with a copy code button.

  • The handshake was initiated no more than 10 minutes ago (or no more than the number of minutes indicated by the template's code_expiration_minutes property, if present).
  • The package name in the message (defined in the package_name property in the components array upon template creation) matches the package name set on the intent. The match is determined through the getCreatorPackage method called in the PendingIntent object provided by your application.
  • The app signing key hash in the message (defined in the signature_hash property in the components array upon template creation) matches your installed app's signing key hash.
  • The message includes the one-tap autofill button text.
  • Your app has defined an activity to receive the password or code.

Android Notifications

Android notifications indicating receipt of a WhatsApp authentication template message will only appear on the user's Android device if:

  • The user is logged into the WhatsApp app or WhatsApp Business app with the phone number (account) that the message was sent to.
  • The user is logged into your app.
  • Android OS is KitKat (4.4, API 19) or above.
  • Show notifications is enabled (Settings > Notifications) in the WhatsApp app or WhatsApp Business app.
  • Device level notification is enabled for the WhatsApp app or WhatsApp Business app.
  • Prior message threads in the WhatsApp app or WhatsApp Business app between the user and your business are not muted.

Using the SDK (Beta)

The OTP Android SDK is available in beta. It can be used to perform handshakes, as well as other functions in both one-tap and zero-tap authentication templates.

To access SDK functionality, add the following configuration to your Gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.whatsapp.otp:whatsapp-otp-android-sdk:0.1.0'

To your repositories, add mavenCentral():

repositories {


Declare an activity and intent filter that can receive the one-time password or code. The intent filter must have the action name com.whatsapp.otp.OTP_RETRIEVED.

       <action android:name="com.whatsapp.otp.OTP_RETRIEVED" />

This is the activity that the WhatsApp app or WhatsApp Business app will start once the authentication template message is received and it passes all eligibility checks.

Activity Class

Using the SDK (Preferred)

Define the activity public class and instantiate a WhatsAppOtpIncomingIntentHandler object to handle the intent, validate the OTP code, and handle errors.

public class ReceiveCodeActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      WhatsAppOtpIncomingIntentHandler incomingIntentHandler = new WhatsAppOtpIncomingIntentHandler();
                             // call your function to validate
                             (code) -> validateCode(code),
                             // call your function to handle errors
                             (error, exception) -> handleError(error, exception));

Without the SDK

Define the activity public class that can accept the code once it has been passed to your app.

public class ReceiveCodeActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       Intent intent = getIntent();
       // retrieve PendingIntent from extras bundle
       PendingIntent pendingIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra("_ci_");
       // verify source of the pendingIntent
       String pendingIntentCreatorPackage = pendingIntent.getCreatorPackage();
       // check if creatorPackage is "com.whatsapp" -> WA consumer app Or
       // "com.whatsapp.w4b" -> WA business app
       if ("com.whatsapp".equals(creatorPackage) || "com.whatsapp.w4b".equals(creatorPackage)) {
         // use OTP code
         String otpCode = intent.getStringExtra("code");

Initiating the Handshake

Using the SDK (Preferred)

Performing a handshake can be done by instantiating the WhatsAppOtpHandler object and passing in your context to the .sendOtpIntentToWhatsApp() method:

WhatsAppOtpHandler whatsAppOtpHandler = new WhatsAppOtpHandler();

Without the SDK

This example demonstrates one way to initiate a handshake with the WhatsApp client.

public void sendOtpIntentToWhatsApp() {
   // Send OTP_REQUESTED intent to both WA and WA Business App

private void sendOtpIntentToWhatsApp(String packageName) {

  * Starting with Build.VERSION_CODES.S, it will be required to explicitly
  * specify the mutability of  PendingIntents on creation with either
  int flags = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S ? FLAG_IMMUTABLE : 0;
  PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(
      new Intent(),

  // Send OTP_REQUESTED intent to WhatsApp
  Intent intentToWhatsApp = new Intent();
  // WA will use this to verify the identity of the caller app.
  Bundle extras = intentToWhatsApp.getExtras();
  if (extras == null) {
     extras = new Bundle();
  extras.putParcelable("_ci_", pi);

Checking if WhatsApp is Installed

You can check WhatsApp installation before offering WhatsApp as an option if you expect both WhatsApp and your app to be on the same device.

First, you need to add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <package android:name="com.whatsapp"/>
    <package android:name="com.whatsapp.w4b"/>

Using the SDK (Preferred)

Instantiate the WhatsAppOtpHandler object:

WhatsAppOtpHandler whatsAppOtpHandler = new WhatsAppOtpHandler();

Check if the WhatsApp client is installed by passing the isWhatsAppInstalled method as the clause in an If statement:

If (whatsAppOtpHandler.isWhatsAppInstalled(context)) {
    // ... do something

Without the SDK

if (this.isWhatsAppInstalled(context)) {
    // ... do something

public boolean isWhatsAppInstalled(final @NonNull Context context){
    return isWhatsAppInstalled(context, "com.whatsapp") || 
           isWhatsAppInstalled(context, "com.whatsapp.w4b");

  public boolean isWhatsAppInstalled(final @NonNull Context context,
      final @NonNull String type){
    final Intent intent = new Intent();
    PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
    List<ResolveInfo> receivers = packageManager.queryBroadcastReceivers(intent, 0);
    return !receivers.isEmpty();

Sending Authentication Template Messages

Use Cloud API or On-Premises API to send authentication template messages.

Note that you must first initiate a handshake between your app and the WhatsApp client. See Handshake above.

Error Signals

See Error Signals that can help with debugging.

Sample App

See our WhatsApp One-Time Password (OTP) Sample App for Android on Github. The sample app demonstrates how to send and receive OTP passwords and codes via the API, how to integrate the one-tap autofill and copy code buttons, how to create a template, and how to spin up a sample server.