@interfaceFBSDKGamingImageUploader:NSObject-(instancetype_Nonnull)initNS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Should not create instances of this class");/** Runs an upload to a users Gaming Media Library with the given configuration @param configuration model object contain the content that will be uploaded @param completion a callback that is fired dependent on the configuration. Fired when the upload completes or when the users returns to the caller app after the media dialog is shown. */+(void)uploadImageWithConfiguration:(FBSDKGamingImageUploaderConfiguration*_Nonnull)configurationandResultCompletion:(FBSDKGamingServiceResultCompletion_Nonnull)completion;/** Runs an upload to a users Gaming Media Library with the given configuration @param configuration model object contain the content that will be uploaded @param completion a callback that is fired dependent on the configuration. Fired when the upload completes or when the users returns to the caller app after the media dialog is shown. @param progressHandler an optional callback that is fired multiple times as bytes are transferred to Facebook. */+(void)uploadImageWithConfiguration:(FBSDKGamingImageUploaderConfiguration*_Nonnull)configurationcompletion:(FBSDKGamingServiceResultCompletion_Nonnull)completionandProgressHandler:(FBSDKGamingServiceProgressHandler_Nullable)progressHandler;@end