A utility class for sharing through the graph API. Using this class requires an access token that has been granted the "publish_actions" permission.


FBSDKShareAPI network requests are scheduled on the current run loop in the default run loop mode (like NSURLConnection). If you want to use FBSDKShareAPI in a background thread, you must manage the run loop yourself.

Conforms to:FBSDKSharing
Declared in:FBSDKShareAPI.h
Thuộc tính

The access token used when performing a share. The access token must have the "publish_actions" permission granted.

@property (nonatomic, strong) FBSDKAccessToken *accessToken;

Defaults to [FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]. Setting this to nil will revert the access token to [FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken].

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBSDKShareAPI.h

The graph node to which content should be shared.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *graphNode;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBSDKShareAPI.h

The message the person has provided through the custom dialog that will accompany the share content.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *message;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBSDKShareAPI.h
Phương thức nhóm

Convenience method to build up a share API with content and a delegate.

Thông sốMô tả

The content to be shared.


The receiver's delegate.

+ (instancetype)
shareWithContent: (id<FBSDKSharingContent>)content
delegate: (id<FBSDKSharingDelegate>)delegate;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBSDKShareAPI.h
Phương thức thực thể

A Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver can send the share.

- (BOOL) canShare;

May return NO if the appropriate Facebook app is not installed and is required or an access token is required but not available. This method does not validate the content on the receiver, so this can be checked before building up the content.

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBSDKShareAPI.h

Creates an User Owned Open Graph object without an action.

Thông sốMô tả

The open graph object to create.

- (BOOL) createOpenGraphObject:(FBSDKShareOpenGraphObject *)openGraphObject;

Use this method to create an object alone, when an action is not going to be posted with the object. If the object will be used within an action, just put the object in the action and share that as the shareContent and the object will be created in the process. The delegate will be messaged with the results. Also see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph/object-api#objectapi-creatinguser

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBSDKShareAPI.h

Begins the send from the receiver.

- (BOOL) share;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBSDKShareAPI.h